By Dennis Fisher – IBM is in the early stages of crafting a new strategy around its security products and services that company executives believe could change the application development process, as well as alter the way enterprises buy and deploy security wares.
Tag: IBM
IBM unveils storage management system
By Ed Frauenheim – Adding to IBM’s on-demand computing initiative, Big Blue announced on Monday a mid-November shipping date for a product to link servers and data storage devices for better information access and management.
DB2 Buffer Pool Tuning: Statistical Accuracy of Performance Prediction Techniques
Unless you’re careful, it’s easy to build bias into performance prediction. This paper clearly explains the problem, and points out where bias distorts performance results in other products.
IBM Goes After Legacy Data
Big Blue buys out legacy software converter CrossAccess to fold into its database integration suite.
Developing DB2 UDB User Defined Functions with .NET
Step-by-step, this tutorial shows you how to use the IBM DB2 SQL User Define Function (UDF) Wizard for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
IBM Application Recovery Tool for IMS and DB2
IBM Application Recovery Tool for IMS and DB2 Databases simplifies and coordinates the recovery of both IMS and DB2 data to a common point, cutting the time and cost of data recovery and availability.
DB2 UDB V.8 Handbook for Windows, Unix and Linux
by Philip K. Gunning – This start-to-finish guide to DB2 UDB v.8 administration and development covers database design for optimal performance, availability, and recoverability; day-to-day administration and backup; comparing, selecting, and using appropriate DB2 programming techniques; deploying ne
A Comparison of Oracle 9i with DB2 v8.1
By Alexander Chigrik – Often people in newsgroups ask for a comparison of Oracle and DB2. In this article, I compare Oracle 9i Database with DB2 Universal Database version 8.1 regarding price, performance, platforms supported, SQL dialectsand products limits.
DB2 Flaws Highlight Vulnerability Concerns
By Lisa Vaas – IBM has patched recently uncovered security vulnerabilities in its DB2 Universal Database, but the process it followed has left some security researchers wondering if the company is too tight-lipped on the subject.
DB2 Error
I am getting an error in my db2diag.log file. "All pages in buffer pool 1 are in use." What would be the cause of this and how can I fix it?