By Kate Evans-Correia – The battle for SMB supremacy is heating up. Oracle has baited the hook with a 9i sale and a crash course in 10g that covers basic database administration, performance and tuning, and important security concepts. IBM has its sights on being king of content with a slew of conte
Tag: IBM
Quick Tour of IBM DB2
by Andrew Binstock – A quick overview of the different flavors of DB2, what they’re good for, and where you’ll find resources to help you learn and leverage.
More Than Meets the Eye: Simplifying Catalog Publishing
Brenda Castiel – To tame surprisingly complex catalog publishing challenges, A2i adds unique technology to a solid DB2 UDB base.
IBM raises SMB ante with DB2 content manager offering
By Kate Evans-Correia – IBM has its sights on being king of content with a slew of new offerings, including an “express” version of its DB2 Content Manager system and DB2 Content Manager for Linux.
DB2 and the Need for Speed
(.PDF by Joel Goldstein – requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader) – Simply stated, DB2 response time is never fast enough unless it’s sub-second. IBM has said that productivity improves by 100% when improving response time from 2 seconds to less than one second. Joel’s presentation reviews what yo
DB2 Universal Database and the Highly Available Data Store
Critical database applications demand a robust strategy to prevent data loss and guarantee high availability of your data store. This article surveys your options for high availability on Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms.
IBM to acquire CrossAccess
By Ellen O’Brien – IBM has signed an agreement to acquire Santa Clara, Calif.-based CrossAccess Corp., a software company specializing in real-time access and data integration.The acquisition means that IBM’s DB2 Information Integrator software, announced earlier this year, will have more of
IBM Encryption for IMS and DB2 Databases
IBM Data Encryption for IMS and DB2 Databases provides you with a tool for both IMS and DB2 in a single product, enabling you to protect your sensitive and private data for IMS at the segment level and for DB2 at the table level. IBM Data Encryption for IMS and DB2 Databases is implemented using sta
Smart Wells and Smarter Databases
By Joe Lumbley – Telegnomic uses Informix Dynamic Server and DataBlades to pump intelligence from reservoirs of information.
IBM, Adobe Announce Extended Partnership
By Dennis Callaghan – The deal calls for the two companies to further integrate Adobe’s technologies across IBM’s software offerings, beginning with IBM’s DB2 Content Manager and DB2 CommonStore for SAP, and moving to integration with IBM’s WebSphere and Tivoli software brands, officials said.