Tag: IBM


A Primer on Using DB2 with .NET

(Chip Irek) Working with DB2, from a .NET application developer’s perspective, is just like working with any other relational database. One can find endless examples of how to perform databases tasks (from the mundane to the interesting) for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, but there is not as much


Getting a Boost from DB2

(Michael L. Gonzales and Jon Rubin) Built-in business intelligence functions let DB2 handle data preparation so partner apps can do what they do best: Serve up actionable insight. The latest examples involve real time, spatial, OLAP, and other advanced forms of analysis.


Getting DB2 JDBC Drivers to Go

(CFGURU Blog) Following on from the recent snippet on Oracle, there’s been a thread on getting DB2 JDBC drivers to go. Turns out the DataDirect drvier suite has been updated and there’s a correction to the documentation to get DB2 on OS/390 going. If you have a hankering for all things DB2 read on.