(Jayesh Thakrar) HTML-based output has become a very common mechanism for feeding data and information to application users, programmers and administrators. The output can be also very conveniently integrated into Web portals. One way to obtain HTML output from IBM DB2® Universal Database™ (UDB) is
Tag: IBM
Comparing Business Intelligence Platforms
(Thierry D’Hers and Stacy Vickery) This white paper compares the features of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services, IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1, and Hyperion Essbase 6.5. As you’ll learn, Analysis Services has functionality that compares favorably against other offerings such as IBM DB2 OLAP Se
Database Recovery Using Redirected Incremental Restore
(Roman B. Melnyk) Suppose your database server is destroyed by fire. Luckily, you have a good backup strategy in place. This strategy includes remote storage of backup images and recovery logs. The set of backup images that you have at your disposal includes full database backup, online incremental
Replication Agents
A Replication Agent is a Replication Server client that retrieves information from the transaction log for a primary database and formats it for the primary Replication Server. Replication Agent detects changes to primary data and, using Log Transfer Language (LTL), which is a subset of Replicat
Create a clustered index on primary key
(Prashant Dahalkar) Here’s a way to create a table with clustered index on a composite primary key. A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore, the table can have only one clustered index. The leaf nodes of a clustered ind
Virtualize This!
(David Stodder) On September 22, at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California, friends, relatives, and former colleagues of Dr. Edgar F. Codd gathered for "an afternoon of tribute and celebration" of his life and work. The greatest legacy left behind by Codd, who passed away on April 1
Put Your Sensitive DB2 Data Under Lock and Key
(Kulvir Singh Bhogal) Hackers are trying to find some way to get into your database. If you think they’re not, you’re just deluding yourself. The news stories about compromised credit card numbers are proof that the best way to lose face with your customers is to let a hacker steal their sensitive d
Once Upon a Time in DB2
(Bonnie Baker) Think you understand cursors and fetching in DB2? What you think you know may be nothing more than a fairy tale. Lately I’ve gotten many questions about inserts, and they all go something like this: “My program opens a CURSOR on a table and then does inserts into the same table. W
Configuring Microsoft ODBC Driver for DB2
Microsoft ODBC Driver for DB2 (Msdb2ole.dll) enables access over SNA LU 6.2 and TCP/IP networks to remote DB2 databases. This driver is implemented as an IBM Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) application requester that can connect to DRDA-compliant DB2 systems like MVS, OS/400, and
Formatting the date with SQL
(Ravinder Bahadur) Here is a simple way to provide a format for date fields in DB2. More complicated formating will need to use the to_char() function available on IBM’s web site.