(David Shirey) One of the primary reasons for involving PHP in our otherwise pure RPG ILE /free world is to allow us to develop apps that have a GUI interface yet access data from our DB2 (or whatever) database.
Tag: IBM
DB2 Native REST API Getting Started
(James Gill) With DB2 for z/OS customers expanding their business presence into the mobile client world, solution developers are seeking more efficient ways to leverage existing data and business logic to support this.
An Architectural and Practical Guide to IBM Hybrid Integration Platform
(Carsten Börnert, Kim Clark, Shahir Daya, Matthieu Debeaux, Gerd Diederichs, Vasfi Gucer, Shamim Hossain, Gary Kean, Carlo Marcoli, Shohei Matsumoto, Amar Shah and Johan Thole) In order to remain competitive in today’s world, companies need to be able to integrate internally and externally by connec
A Good Start for Your SQL Library
(Craig S. Mullins) Every professional programmer (and DBA) should have a library of books on SQL fundamentals. There are many SQL titles to choose from, and a lot of them are very good. But you can’t buy them all unless you are independently wealthy.
In Praise of the Invisible DB2 for z/OS System
(Robert Catterall) I’ve been working with DB2 for z/OS — as an IBMer, as a user, as an independent consultant — for 30 years. I was with IBM when DB2 was introduced to the market. I’ve met people who were part of the core team at IBM that invented relational database technology.
Black Friday Lessons
(Dave Beulke) In the last blog (found here), I talked about the first five of the top 10 ways that can help make your systems bulletproof for holiday processing for reliability, availability, and scalability demands. This week I continue with reliability, availability, and scalability topics from my
Deprecated Functions: A Primer
(Troy L Coleman) When IBM decides to remove a function from DB2 for z/OS (or any DB2 offering), it’s generally publicized in in the DB2 for z/OS announcement letter. See the DB2 12 for z/OS announcement letter, for instance.
Practical SQL: Field Reference Files in DDL
(Joe Pluta) In a previous article, I discussed how naming conventions really help in database design and programming, and in so doing I touched upon the concept of the field reference file. Field reference files are an easy way to make sure your data elements are consistent, but I’ll bet you didn’t
The Tao of DB2 – Part 14: A Short Lesson on Wisdom
(Craig S. Mullins) After a long day of dealing with problems the DBA and his intern were readying themselves to head home for the evening. The mentor glanced over at his trainee and saw that something was troubling him.
IBM DB2 12 for z/OS Technical Overview
(Meg Bernal, Tammie Dang and Acacio Ricardo Gomes Pessoa) IBM DB2 12 for z/OS delivers key innovations that increase availability, reliability, scalability, and security for your business-critical information.