What is managed code and why is it important to use 100% managed code in .NET applications? Managed code is compiled for the .NET run-time environment. It runs in the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which is the heart of the .NET Framework. The CLR provides services such as security, memory manag
Tag: IBM
SQL Under The Covers
(Pranav Sampat) Ever wonder what happens behind DB2’s doors in response to a query? Peek inside to find out. The beauty of SQL is the ease with which it enables data manipulation. SQL eliminates the need for users and developers to know how to navigate the data structure in order to return the de
DB2 CommonStore and its Backend Archive Options – Understanding the Technical and Functional Differences
(Reinhold Engelbrecht) The DB2 CommonStore product family supports three different backend archives: Content Manager, Content Manager OnDemand, and Tivoli Storage Manager. Each of these archive options has a unique architecture and particular strengths. This article provides a comparison and a detai
Connecting to a data source using the DriverManager interface with the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver
A JDBC application can establish a connection to a data source using the JDBC DriverManager interface, which is part of the java.sql package. The Java application first loads the JDBC driver by invoking the Class.forName method. After the application loads the driver, it connects to a database s
Constraints and Triggers
The DB2 DBMS offers a useful suite of methods to ensure data consistency. Primary key constraints forbid duplicate values in one or more columns of a table. Foreign key constraints ensure consistency of tuple (row) references across tables. Table check constraints are conditions that are defined
OTL/DB2-CLI and bulk operations with DB2’s CLOB
This example demonstrates simple INSERT and SELECT with DB2’s CLOB data type being done in bulk (buffer size > 1). This example can be easily modified to make it work with DB2’s BLOB by changing the “CLOB” data type in the table to “BLOB”, and by replacing “varchar_long” with “raw_long”.
Learning to Share: Declared Global Temporary Tables
(Paul Yip) This article explains how to use declared global temporary tables in DB2 Universal Database. This is a useful technique for sharing data between applications and stored procedures.
Adding Conflict Resolution Features to a Query Language for Database Federations
(Kai-Uwe Sattler, Stefan Conrad, and Gunter Saake) A main problem of data integration is the treatment of conflicts caused by different modeling of real-world entities, different data models or simply by different representations of one and the same object. During the integration phase these conflic
DB2 UDB v8.1 Express: Initial Configuration and Rules of Thumb
(Fraser McArthur) The goal of this document is to give straight forward and easy to implement recommendations which can lead to a well-performing DB2 UDB V8 Express system. This document covers several easy-to-use utilities and provides some useful rules of thumb for database configuration.
Production to Development: Moving Databases
(David Kline) Moving a database from one system to another can be a complex job, especially if the source database requires 24-hour, 7-days-a-week availablility. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could move all of the database objects in one clean operation? No setting constraints, creating indexes, tables