Tag: IBM


Fun with Triggers, Part Two

(Peter Backlund) Triggers are an important tool for achieving better data quality. They can be found in other RDBMSs and have been available for a long time in DB2 for Linux, UNIX, Windows. For DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 triggers were added in Version 6. A trigger is tightly coupled to a table and


Basic Performance Tuning, Part 2

(Roger Sanders) How to change your instance and database parameters for the best Performance effect. If you read the first installment of this Distribued DBA column in the Quarter 3, 2003 issue, you know that database performance problems typically arise from one of the following factors: –Sy


Uniquely Trigger Happy

(Dave Hauser) Trying to get around the 255-byte index key limit without sacrificing uniqueness? Triggers just might save the day. If you’ve ever had to adapt schemas from other platforms — such as DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) for NT — to DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 you’ve probably bumped up a