(Chris Kern) As an application programmer-with no true credentials to speak of (except that I’ve been supporting DB2 applications for over 10 years)-I feel that I am well-qualified to address the pain experienced by application programmers. What is the source of this pain you may ask? It is those my
Tag: IBM
DB2 Information Integration: The Big Picture
(Holly A. Hayes) The integration job is never finished. IT environments are in a constant state of flux. New applications are coming online. Release-level changes to packaged applications can cause a ripple effect throughout the infrastructure. There is always the next new tool or technology to try.
IBM Unveils Next Generation Site for Developers
IBM developerWorks launched the next generation of its online developer workspace. The enhanced site features resources developers need to build e-business on demand applications and provides a compelling web experience showcasing cutting-edge technology and IBM technical resources. The comprehe
Highly Available DB2 Universal Database using Tivoli System Automation for Linux
(Enrico Joedecke, Steve Raspudic and Andy Beaton) In this paper, we describe the implementation and design of highly available IBM DB2 Universal Database(DB2) environments in conjunction with the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Linux platform(TSA). Also included is a detailed description of the DB2
Index covering and DB2 query performance
(Alexander Kuznetsov) When an index contains all the columns involved in a query, we usually say that an index covers a query. Whenever, this happens, the DB2 optimizer usually chooses to access only that index to satisfy a query, which is called index-only access or index covering. “Usually” does n
A Comparison of Oracle 9i with DB2 v8.1
(Alexander Chigrik) Often people in newsgroups ask for a comparison of Oracle and DB2. In this article, I compare Oracle 9i Database with DB2 Universal Database version 8.1 regarding price, performance, platforms supported, SQL dialects and products limits.
Scaling DB2 UDB on Windows Server 2003
(Whei-Jen Chen, Drew Bradstock, David Ceron and Chris Fierros) This IBM Redbook is designed as an informative guide to scaling DB2 UDB V8.1 with Windows Server 2003. It is intended for database and system administrators who need both an introduction and detailed information on scaling DB2 UDB on Win
Taming the VLDB with BMC Software
There’s a new animal in the database kingdom. No longer are the beasts of availability and performance the only dominators for the time and attention of the overwhelmed database administrator. Add phenomenal size to the mix, and you have a DBA’s worst data management nightmare. The care and feeding
SQuirreL SQL Client: A Single, Open Source Front End to Interact with Your Heterogeneous Database Environment
(Kulvir Singh Bhogal) This article describes an open source application called SQuirreL SQL Client that provides an easy-to-use interface to DB2 UDB as well as a number of other vendor databases like Oracle and SQL Server. If your job requires you to interface with many different databases in the co
Version 8 Dynamic Scrollable Cursors: Better Usability and Performance
Cursor scrolling has always presented problems in the past. For both for the application programmer and for proper application performance. Scrolling forward was performed by walking an index or walking through a result set which was not too hard. However, scrolling backwards proved to be a bit more