(Jim Haungs) Historically, using stored procedures in DB2 has required a separately installed (and sometimes costly) C compiler. The solution outlined in this document describes how to install and use the GNU C Compiler (GCC), a free open-source C compiler. DB2 Universal Database stored procedure
Tag: IBM
Unified ODBC functions
In addition to normal ODBC support, the Unified ODBC functions in PHP allow you to access several databases that have borrowed the semantics of the ODBC API to implement their own API. Instead of maintaining multiple database drivers that were all nearly identical, these drivers have been unified in
Coffee Break – Java for DB2 DBAs
(Jaiwant Jonathan) Java has come to stay and so has JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). For the OS/390 and z/OS DBA, it is yet another challenge to adapt to the requirements and intricacies of a new style of programming in a new feature-rich language. This article is an attempt to show how a DBA can
DB2 Instance and Fast Communication Manager
(Marin Komadina) The process of tuning an ESE DB2 database is almost automatic, at least according to the DB2 manuals and Web announcements. However, much of this tuning still requires human intervention. The Fast Communication Manager is one of the components that need hand tuning. FCM is used to c
Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide
(Whei-Jen Chen, Fadel Fiani, Marina Greenstein, Stefan Hummel, Ranjit K. Kalidasan, Ken Leonard, Art Sammartino and Artur Wronski) DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) has long been known for its technology leadership. This IBM Redbook is an informative guide that describes how to migrate the database
Saving CPU in your multiple counts SQL statements
(Terry Purcell) When requiring multiple counts you can choose to write multiple SQL statements (or write a program) such as: SELECT COUNT(*) AS UNDER_40K WHERE SALARY < 40000 AND SELECT COUNT(*) AS ABOVE_40K WHERE SALARY >= 40000 Or you can choose to simulate these multiple counts in
Listing Content Manager Version 8 Item-Type View Definitions
(Bryan Daniel) This sample program demonstrates how to use the Information Integrator for Content Version 8 C++ APIs to list the item-type views and their attributes which are accessible to the current user. Item-Type views are defined by the Content Manager System Administrator to restrict what ite
How to implement index extensions for non-traditional data
(Magnus Pierre) This document provides all you need in order to understand and develop index extensions, including what pieces are involved and how the fit together.It also addresses what you need to do in order to successfully build an index extension.
Maximizing MATCHCOLS when using Simple Subquery (DB2 OS/390 V6)
(Steve Mills) The technique described below is one that I have seen and used many times in recent years (and you may have too) but I have never seen it make quite the impact it did in this scenario. In this instance the addition of a COALESCE function produced a 50% reduction in CPU time and an even
Embedded Analytics in IBM DB2 Universal Database for Information on Demand
Finding the needle of competitive advantage in a haystack of data. One of the major business insights of our time is that information can be more valuable than capital assets in helping your firm stay competitive and profitable. Today’s technology can deliver more bits of information about your co