This example demonstrates INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT statements with the DB2 BLOB datatype in the stream mode.
Tag: IBM
DB2 UDB For Linux, UNIX, Windows Version 8 – A New Perspective On Clustering
(Julian Stuhler) Welcome to Part 3 of our exploration of the new features in Version 8 of DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX and Windows. This time round, we’re going to look at DB2’s brand new multi-dimensional clustering (MDC) capabilities – a feature that’s sure to be a big hit with many hard-pressed databa
Combining Triggers and UDFs
(Kulvir Singh Bhogal and Kwang Sik Kang) Now DB2 can handle tasks once left to application developers. Ever notice how DBAs in large enterprises are frightened by the thought that their data is being manipulated by applications without their knowledge? They may not like it, but it’s an inescapabl
Choose the Proper Data Type
(Craig Mullins) The basic theme of this column has been to review DB2 issues that are confusing or misunderstood. This time, I’ll be tackling a topic that might surprise you-using the proper data types. Indeed, data type and length are the most fundamental integrity constraints applied to data i
Datetime values in DB2 for iSeries
(Craig Mullins) I have a numeric field stored in an AS400 field RDDT00 as yyyymmdd, but it is stored as numeric not date. What I’m trying to do is pull the value then convert it to a date datatype, but I keep getting an error: Token is invalid. Here’s how to address some common mistakes.
DB2 SQL Procedural Language: Using Flow of Control Statements
(Drew Bradstock, Hana Curtis, Michael Gao, Zamil Janmohamed, Clara Liu, Fraser McArthur and Paul Yip) Loops allow you to execute a set of statements repeatedly until a certain condition is reached. The loop terminating condition may be defined at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the lo
V8 z/OS Materialized Query Tables
(Susan Lawson) Prior to V8, decision support queries have been difficult and expensive. They typically operate over a large amount of data which may have to scan or process terabytes of data and possibly perform multiple joins and complex aggregations. With these types of queries traditional optimiz
DoS Flaw in SOAP DTD Parameter
(Ryan Naraine) Technology heavyweights IBM and Microsoft have released fixes for a potentially serious vulnerability in various Web Services products that could be exploited to trigger denial-of-service attacks. In separate alerts, the companies said the vulnerability was caused by an error in th
Getting a Boost from DB2
(Michael L. Gonzales and Jon Rubin) Built-in business intelligence functions let DB2 handle data preparation so partner apps can do what they do best: Serve up actionable insight. The latest examples involve real time, spatial, OLAP, and other advanced forms of analysis. By now, the IT community
IBM DB2 Universal Database Problem Determination Tutorial Series
This series of nine tutorials is designed to assist anyone supporting or developing in a DB2 database environment, to quickly identify and resolve problems or errors encountered. It will familiarize you with the DB2 problem determination facilities and tools available and when it is most appropriate