(Antonio L. Salcedo) In recent months I had the opportunity to be the technical team leader on a project for upgrading DB2 OS/390 from Version 5 to Version 6. In preparing for this project, my team studied many of the DB2 V6 manuals, attended the DB2 Technical Conference in New Orleans, participated
Tag: IBM
Converting Oracle Pro*C Programs to DB2 Universal Database
(Marina Greenstein) While many aspects of IBM DB2 Universal Database application development have undergone changes in recent years (stored procedures from C/COBOL/Java to SQL Procedure Language, support for SQL PL in User-Defined Functions, triggers and in-line SQL, enriched set of built-in functio
Speeding up DB2 UDB Using Sampling
(Peter J. Haas) The vast amount of data in warehouses and on the web poses a major challenge for users who want to run BI or OLAP queries, execute advanced analytical, mining, and statistical algorithms, or interactively explore their data. Most of these tasks simply do not scale to the hundreds of
Accessing DB2 Universal Database Tables with Delphi for .NET
(Bob Swart) In this article, I will demonstrate how you can use Borland Delphi 8 for the Microsoft .NET Framework (abbreviated to “Delphi for .NET” from now on) to build native .NET applications that connect to IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB) tables, display the data in a DataGrid, and edit, apply,
High Volume OLTP Database Cluster for the Financial Industry with IBM® DB2® for Linux
(Boris Bialek) A typical project report starts with a simple statement of the target objective and then moves forward towards the implementation. The project described in this report is different as it not only describes the aspects of a solution to a business problem, but it touches on a fundamenta
Isolation level UR the beauty and the beast in one
(Klass Brant) DB2 does uses locking to protect you from incorrect or invalid data. The locking will protect you both from logical and physical corrupt data. The isolation level which can be set either at bind time or at each individual SQL statement enhances the way DB2 will deal with the locking. T
Plans + DBRMS + Packages + Collections + Versions = Confusion
(Bonnie Baker) No matter how long programmers have worked with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390, they still ask me to tell them the difference between a plan and a package — and what in the heck a collection is. I planned to write a column on this topic so I could just point them to DB2 Magazine, Quarter 4,
Using the DB2 Command Line Interface
(M. H. Scholl, Jens Teubner and Svetlana Vinnik) In order to use the DB2 command line interface, you need to extend your shell’s search path and set some environment variables. The simplest way to do this is to source the script I provided you. Add this line to the ¯le .bashrc.username in your hom
DB2 Redirected Restore Scripts
(Mark Mulligan) If you ever need to copy an IBM DB2 database and its data from one environment to another, a DB2 redirected restore is the fastest, most thorough way to accomplish your goal. And, if your database has a lot of table spaces, then you may be interested in a semi-automated approach usin
Information Integrator for Content applet viewer sample
(Bryan Daniel and Jerald Schoudt) IBM Information Integrator for Content Version 8 provides a rich set of APIs which allows developers to build transparent access to critical unstructured and structured information across and beyond the enterprise. Access to heterogeneous data sources is accomplishe