(Kent Milligan) To ensure that delivery of information to data warehouse users is fast and efficient, a database management system (DBMS) requires an advanced query optimizer. When you ask your data warehouse to perform a report or query, the optimizer is responsible for determining the fastest and
Tag: IBM
DB2 UDB V8.1 SQL Cookbook
(Graeme Birchall) This book originally began a series of notes for my own use. After a while, friends began to ask for copies, and enemies started to steal it, so I decided to tidy everything up and give it away. Over the years, new chapters have been added as DB2 has evolved, and I have found new w
DB2 stored procedures and dynamic cursors
(Tim Albrecht) With a more complete implementation of stored procedures in DB2 Versions 5 and 6, many new distributed access opportunities have been given to the DB2 developer. Many shops, ours included, severely limited or completely denied Dynamic SQL access to operational Online Transaction proce
DB2 Version 6 stored procedures migration issues, part 2
(Antonio L. Salcedo) IBM provides a mechanism to convert (migrate) the DB2 V5 stored procedures into DB2 V6 stored procedures. This mechanism is supported by the DB2 catalog maintenance utility, CATMAINT, which creates the new DB2 tablespaces and tables necessary to support the new DB2 objects (stor
Troubleshooting Guide for DB2
Welcome to the world of DB2 troubleshooting. This guide provides information to get you started solving problems with DB2 servers and clients. It helps you to: –Identify problems or errors in a concise manner –Solve problems based on their symptoms –Learn about available diagnostic to
Locking Only the Record Being Updated
(Craig Mullins) Since update of a record in one session leads to locking of the page (hence other records that belong to the same page are also locked), what is the workaround so that the application locks only the particular record that is being updated (i.e controlling the locking lower than table
Install and Configure IBM DB2 Universal Database Express Edition in Client/Server Environment
(Michael Gao) This article will demonstrate how easy it is to use DB2 GUI tools to install and configure DB2 UDB Express in client/server environments. In a client/server environment, your application is deployed on a separate machine from the database server machine. The machine which hosts you
Implementing Inter-session Alerts in DB2 Universal Database
(Sudipta Mukherjee) Are you migrating your database from Oracle to IBM DB2 Universal Database? Do you think you might miss some particular Oracle feature? DB2 UDB is such a flexible database that it is possible to fulfill many of your requirements. In this article, I will show you how I implemented
If content is king, IBM wants the crown
(Kate Evans-Correia) IBM is well positioned to reign over the estimated $10 billion content management market next year, say analysts say. And if the strong customer demand for ways to capture and manage information continues it will remain a pivotal component of Big Blue’s on-demand strategy. In
SAP on DB2 for z/OS and OS/390: High Availability and Performance Monitoring with Data Sharing
(Viviane Anavi-Chaput, David Bellion, Tim Bohlsen, Humberto Carrasco, Mike Gordon, Flavio Lima, Mary Siart and Mike Zazulak) This IBM Redbook addresses the challenges posed by monitoring high availability, scalability, and performance in an SAP sysplex data sharing environment. Part 1 describes