(Penny Lunt) Challenging economic conditions have led many vendors to introduce competitively priced starter editions, offering core functionality in easily deployed, prepackaged solutions. Armonk, NY-based IBM has long been a big, influential player in content management, but its market strength
Tag: IBM
Magic with Merlin: Formatting numbers and currency
(John Zukowski) Internationalizing your applications requires both text messages and displayed numbers to be formatted for the appropriate language and style of the user’s domain. With the Merlin release of the J2SE platform, formatting integers has gotten simpler, and you can now find out the ISO 4
Star Join Optimization DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390
(Terry Purcell) Since the introduction of the Star Join access method in Version 6 of DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, there have been many additional enhancements to improve the detection of star schema queries to determine the most efficient access path, and also to minimize regression of non-star sch
DB2 parallel operations and query performance
(Eric Garrigue Vesely) Parallelism can be employed in static and dynamic queries, local and remote data access, queries using single table scans and multi-table joins, access via an index or table scan, or list prefetch, sort, and inserts. Most parallel operations can be used on either partitioned o
DB2 Query Patroller 101
(Paul Zikopoulos) You may not know a lot about DB2 Query Patroller, but if you are an administrator responsible for the resource management of a Decision Support System (DSS), you are definitely familiar with the following: –erratic query response times –dissatisfied users –unnecessary exp
Put Your Sensitive DB2 Data Under Lock and Key
(Kulvir Singh Bhogal) Hackers are trying to find some way to get into your database. If you think they’re not, you’re just deluding yourself. The news stories about compromised credit card numbers are proof that the best way to lose face with your customers is to let a hacker steal their sensitive d
Easy Steps to Join Two DB2 UDB Databases
A Federated Database System is a Multidatabase Server which Provides Access and Integrate Data from different data sources so that information can be shared while controlling the business rules for access. Here is an example of joining two UDB databases …the entire exercise is divided into 5 basi
Migrating from SQL Links to dbExpress using IBM DB2
(Bob Swart) In this article, I will demonstrate two different data access technologies from Borland that are available to Delphi (and C++Builder) developers when they want to connect to IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB) tables, and when they want to work with the data inside those DB2 tables. One
How to use the DB2 Universal Database help
Use the Control Center to manage systems, DB2 Universal Database instances, DB2 for OS/390 subsystems, databases, and database objects, such as tables and views. In the Control Center, you can display all of your systems, databases, and database objects and perform administration tasks on them. From
SQLWays – IBM DB2 Functions and Expressions
This chapter describes functions and expressions that can be used in IBM DB2 SQL statements.