(Robert Catterall) This tip shows how to convert non-partitioned tablespaces without down time.
Tag: IBM
IBM Improves Integration Between DB2 and Microsoft Visual Studio
IBM is updating its DB2 database software to offer tighter integration and better performance for developers who use Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. Enhancements should simplify and automate application development based on the Microsoft .NET Framework. IBM says it’s adding a string of new fe
DB2 Basics: Constraints
(Roman B. Melnyk) Constraints are used by DB2 UDB to enforce business rules for data and to help preserve database integrity. This article describes the various types of constraints supported by DB2 UDB and provides examples of each constraint type. In addition, the author explains the fundamentals
DB2 Universal Database Security
(Roger Sanders) So far, we have identified the authorities and privileges that are available, and we have examined how these authorities and privileges are granted and revoked. But to use authorities and privileges effectively, you must be able to determine which authorities and privileges are appro
Database Wars: Microsoft vs. DB2
(Vincent Ryan) Microsoft and IBM took very different approaches to developing and marketing high-performance databases, but they arrived in the same place with the same desire: to blanket all-size enterprises with database solutions tailored to the customer’s needs. Microsoft is moving up from t
The Heterogeneous DBA: Surviving in a Multi-Database Environment
(Chuck Sodowsky) The concept behind the database goes back long before computers and automation were available to businesses. Properly indexed and labeled files and records have always been necessary for a business to get ahead in a competitive environment. Even when paper and ledgers were the data
Using Check Constraints to Simulate Domains
(Craig S. Mullins) All of the popular RDBMS products provide table check constraints: Oracle, Informix, DB2, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server. Check constraints enable enhanced data integrity without requiring procedural logic (such as in stored procedures and triggers). Let’s examine the basics of
Overview of DB2’s XML Capabilities: An introduction to SQL/XML functions in DB2 UDB and the DB2 XML Extender
(Cindy Wong) The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) can be used to exchange data between computers. The DB2 XML Extender allows you to integrate IBM DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) with XML. This document will introduce you to the SQL/XML functions available with DB2 UDB version 8 and the DB2 XML Ext
DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 : Squeezing the Most Out of Dynamic SQL
(Bart Steegmans) This IBM Redbook investigates some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding dynamic SQL. It presents a balanced discussion of issues such as complexity, performance, and control, and provides a jump-start to those venturing into this somewhat under-utilized area. What is dynam
Defy Murphy’s Law with DB2 Backup and Restore
(Kulvir Singh Bhogal) Murphy’s Law states that if something can go wrong, it will. It is comforting to know that you can guard against at least some calamities. In the case of IBM DB2 Universal Database, the mere notion of your database data being deleted or somehow corrupted might cause some sleepl