Tag: IBM


Asked and Answered

(Robert Catterall) I read your column “Time to Reconsider SMS,” and I agree with you regarding the advantage of defining DB2 user tablespaces under the control of the Storage Management System (SMS). But what about the DB2 Catalog and directory? Can you also define DB2 catalog and directory data set


Enterprise Information Integration

(Pat Selinger) Almost any enterprise, even a small one, has multiple data sources containing business information. Consider e-mail databases, files containing text documents, spreadsheet files and so forth. Yes, you’re right; these are not “databases” in the classical DB2 Universal Database sense.


The Trigger Effect

(Willie Favero) New to the OS/390 community, DB2 Triggers can automate tasks and enable code reuse. Here’s what you need to know to put them to work. Database managers on DB2’s distributed platforms already know how triggers can save time and effort. Triggers have been available on Unix, OS/2, a