(Robert Westervelt) IBM is looking to improve its ranking among .NET developers and open source fans with “Stinger,” the next generation of the company’s DB2 Universal Database. According to the latest study by International Data Corp., Oracle currently holds 39% of the database market, followed
Tag: IBM
Support for Isolation Levels Using the ODBC Driver for DB2
The Microsoft ODBC Driver for DB2 provides flexibility in dealing with issues of isolation levels and transaction state. The ODBC SQLSetConnectAttr function is used to set the isolation level that is to be used for a connection. This function would be called with the attribute parameter set to SQL_A
The DB2 Framework for Business Intelligence
(Jon Rubin) The IT community is by now well acquainted with the value proposition of the data warehouse—indeed, the focus of most discussions has shifted beyond the warehouse itself to the larger issues surrounding an overall enterprise architecture for business intelligence and realtime analytics.
DB2 and Java: The Big Picture
IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB) supports all the key Internet standards, making it an ideal database for use on the Web. It has in-memory speed to facilitate Internet searches and complex text matching combined with the scalability and availability characteristics of a relational database. DB2 UDB
DB2 Development Add-In Technical Preview
(Abdul Al-Azzawe) The DB2 Development Add-In for Visual Studio .NET Stinger Technical Preview is a monumental achievement that builds upon a robust and functionally rich product. It’s a preview of technologies designed to enhance productivity for .NET and Java application programmers. The sheer numb
The CREATE TABLE statement defines a table. The definition must include its name and the names and attributes of its columns. The definition may include other attributes of the table, such as its primary key or check constraints.
Reporting Bad SQL Code in DB2
(Marin Komadina) To find the slow-running SQL, we need to collect and analyze all SQL statements coming into the database, for a period of high system utilization. Previously presented “top” UNIX system commands can be used to identify a period for collecting SQL statements. After the system returns
Considering SQLJ for Your DB2 V8 Java Applications
(Connie Tsui) There are two standard ways to access relational data using Java: SQLJ and JDBC. Why should you consider SQLJ for your IBM DB2 Universal Database™ (UDB) applications? The answer is that SQLJ is the language of choice for application programmers concerned with security, performance, and
Maximizing MATCHCOLS when using Simple Subquery (DB2 OS/390 V6)
(Steve Mills) The technique described below is one that I have seen and used many times in recent years (and you may have too) but I have never seen it make quite the impact it did in this scenario. In this instance the addition of a COALESCE function produced a 50% reduction in CPU time and an even
DB2’s Command Line Processor and Scripting
(Blair Adamache) The IBM DB2 Command Line Processor sounds pedestrian, but in fact is the interface to DB2 that optimally demonstrates the power of DB2, along with its simplicity and universality. Command lines are not pretty (in fact, DB2 on Windows gained a reputation as “powerful not pretty” when