(Alexander Kuznetsov) First introduced in DB2 UDB V8.1, INSTEAD OF triggers are very useful when you need to modify the database structure without changing the applications running against the changed database. In other words, you may use INSTEAD OF triggers and views to isolate applications from ch
Tag: IBM
Which Distributed Edition of DB2 Version 8 is Right for You?
(Paul C. Zikopoulos and Roman B. Melnyk) This popular article is updated with the latest news in product features, editions, and pricing for Version 8.1.4 and DB2 Express. This article lays out the options and includes a quick reference that maps typical user environments to the suggested DB2 editio
Arm Yourself Against Performance Erosion
(Casey Young) Has your once speedy database gradually slowed? If so, finding the performance leak may be harder than you realize. Here are five tips to help you on your way. If you have a sudden drop in DB2 performance, your customers know it, your internal users know it, your manager knows it,
Isolation Level
The isolation level used during the execution of SQL statements determines the degree to which the activation group is isolated from concurrently executing activation groups. Thus, when activation group P executes an SQL statement, the isolation level determines: –The degree to which rows retri
Learn to Use XML with DB2
(Greg Nash) My employer has just spun off our product testing facility into an independent organization, able to seek other clients. They will have their own, independent data systems but background data must be sent and test results must be retrieved to our core system with minimal effort. XML
A Fresh Look at Data Striping in DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1
(Paul C. Zikopoulos and Roman B. Melnyk) The Version 8.1 release of IBM DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) late last year came with the ability to start a new data stripe on the underlying storage units. In this article, we introduce you to this new feature and the problems that it solves, and take yo
Using JavaCC to build a user friendly boolean query language
(JoAnn Brereton) JavaCC is a very powerful “compiler compiler” tool that can be used to formulate context-free grammars. This article demonstrates how JavaCC can be used to allow end users to formulate simple boolean queries against a DB2 UDB database.
Migration Guide: Migrating to DB2 Replication Version 8
This document describes how to migrate an existing DB2 replication environment to Version 8 replication. DB2 replication is available for various systems. It is available as an integrated part of DB2 Universal Database for workstation operating-system environments, and as separately orderable produc
DB2 OLAP Server V8.1: Using Advanced Functions
(Corinne Baragoin) This IBM Redbook explores DB2 OLAP Server V8.1 enhancements and strengths in the areas of scalability, performance, high concurrency, high availability, and administration, and explains how to deploy them in a whole enterprise environment. We provide administrators and implemen
DB2 V8: Online Schema Evolution
(Craig S. Mullins) Making changes to database structures can be one of the biggest causes of database downtime. This is so because many of the most common changes require DBAs to create convoluted scripts that capture DDL from the system catalog, unload data, DROP objects, and then re-CREATE the obj