(Peggy Rader) This article briefly describes your options for debugging DB2 stored procedures on DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX and Windows V7.2 and V8.1, and for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 V6, V7 and V8.
Tag: IBM
Using the element for custom serialization
(Andre Tost) For the most part, JAX-RPC assumes that XML elements that occur in a SOAP message should be mapped into Java objects. There are rules for how simple and complex types are mapped, and JAX-RPC implementations typically provide tooling that generates the necessary code to handle this. The
DB2 Basics: Table Spaces and Buffer Pools
(David Kline and Gabor Wieser) For the DBA who is just stepping into the world of DB2 or for the prospective DBA, the design and performance choices for a new database can be very confusing. In this article we will discuss a couple of areas where the DBA has important choices to make: table spaces a
DB2 Development Center — The Next-Generation AD Tooling for DB2
(Abdul H. Al-Azzawe) This article describes some of the technical highlights of the new Development Center and describes some of the major tasks you can do with the center, such as developing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and specialized table functions. If you are particularly interest
Index covering and DB2 query performance
(Alexander Kuznetsov) When an index contains all the columns involved in a query, we usually say that an index covers a query. Whenever, this happens, the DB2 optimizer usually chooses to access only that index to satisfy a query, which is called index-only access or index covering. “Usually” does n
Getting the Most Out of Real Time Statistics
(James Teng and Namik Hrle) DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS Version 7 introduced a vital building block on its road to becoming autonomic, i.e. to becoming a database management system with zero administration and maintenance overhead: the Real Time Statistics. This feature provides a means of knowi
Simplified portal applications with DB2 Information Integrator
(Jacques Labrie) Interested in simplifying your Web or portal based applications that access relational and non-relational data? Use this tutorial to learn how to develop applications that bring all of this data together in a simple relational view. You’ll learn how the integration capabilities of D
Understanding DB2 Nested Views
(Roman B. Melnyk and Paul C. Zikopoulos) A view is a virtual table, meaning that no permanent storage is associated with the data in the view; rather, the permanent storage is associated with the table or tables on which the view is based. A view allows you to look at (and in some cases to update) d
Setting up Connectivity for Application Developers
(Raul F. Chong and Jalud Abdulmenan) This is the fourth article in a series discussing connectivity scenarios involving DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX and Windows version 8, DB2 UDB for iSeries 5.2 and DB2 UDB for z/OS V8. The focus of this article is on workstation application development connectivity for
Access data anywhere with Everyplace
(Rick Grehan) A typical PDA’s limited memory, storage, and computing power might tempt one to conclude that such devices can’t accommodate databases beyond elementary phone and to-do lists. But as PDA power improves, higher mobile-database-tools will evolve. One recent and welcome entry is IBM’s