(Rav Ahuja) R is a powerful language for data analysis, data visualization, machine learning, statistics. Originally developed for statistical programming, it is now one of the most popular languages in data science.
Tag: IBM
Simplify file transfer from the enterprise to the cloud with IBM MQ Managed File Transfer
(Joydipto Banerjee and Biswajit Mohapatra) The accumulation of multiple file transfer solutions—legacy or proprietary—in an organization’s environment adds to maintenance costs and recurring expenses.
Location and Intent Matter: Data Privacy vs. US Government
(Henrik Loeser) Earlier this month and last Summer two interesting cases related to data privacy were decided. Both concern US search warrants for email data stored outside the United States of America.
IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit
The IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit is a suite of tools and knowledge collections. It enables your organization to quickly and cost-effectively migrate to the latest releases of traditional WebSphere Application Server and Liberty.
DB2 for z/OS: the PGSTEAL and PGFIX Options of -ALTER BUFFERPOOL
(Robert Catterall) Recently, a DB2 for z/OS professional I’ve known for some years sent to me a question about the relationship between the PGSTEAL and PGFIX options of the DB2 command -ALTER BUFFERPOOL.
Practical RPG: Converting to Free-Form RPG, Part 1
(Joe Pluta) Even the best conversion tools only get you part of the way to free-format RPG; here is the first step of the rest of the journey.
Write Your Own CLI Plugins for Bluemix Cloud Foundry
(Henrik Loeser) Last year I blogged about how I am using plugins to extend the Bluemix Cloud Foundry command line interface (CLI). The CLI has a set of commands to manage plugin repositories and to install and uninstall plugins.
DB2 11 Fundamentals for z/OS
(Emil Kotrc) Last year, I think it was in March 2016, IBM introduced a new certification test for DB2 for z/OS – C2090-320 DB2 11 Fundamentals for z/OS. It is an entry level test that opens the door for other more advanced certifications, like DB2 Database or System Administration. Before this test
Re-Tuning Your Big Data Application
(Lockwood Lyon) Big data applications are here to stay. Most large IT enterprises have implemented one or more large data stores, hybrid hardware/software solutions and high-speed business analytics packages.
IBM Business Process Manager Operations Guide
(Bryan Brown, Karri S Carlson-Neumann, Mark Filley, Weiming Gu, Chris Richardson, Dave Spriet and Shuo Zhang) This IBM Redbooks publication provides operations teams with architectural design patterns and guidelines for the day-to-day challenges that they face when managing their IBM Business Proces