Customer would like some ‘best practice’ guidelines to setup and configure Consolidation Method Z.
Tag: IBM
The DB2 12 for z/OS Blog Series – Part 9: Piece-wise Deletion
(Craig S. Mullins) Adding the FETCH FIRST clause to the DELETE statement at first appears to be a very simple enhancement, but upon closer examination it is really quite powerful.
Analyze this! API Connect Impact Analysis tool
(Chris Phillips, Charlotte Hutchinson, and Jack Dunleavy) When you need to take down a service for maintenance, you need confidence in knowing that the rest of your APIs and client applications will continue to run smoothly. How can you be sure when you know the user list for the service documentati
How to use db2diag command line option for time
(Jack Vamvas) Question: A vendor has requested a snippet from db2diag log. The file needs to include all the db2diag log entries between 00:00:00 and 01:10 from 1 week ago. I checked the file and the timeframe is available – but there are thousands of entries around that time , and so it is time
Practical RPG: Techniques for Procedures
(Joe Pluta) Procedures are the Swiss army knife of application architecture on the IBM midrange platform. They provide everything from simple organization of single programs to large-scale inter-language communication across entire business applications.
Client Connections in a TSA/HADR cluster – Part 3
(Damir Wilder) In Part 1 I showed how to setup a simple TSA/HADR cluster consisting of two servers, and what happens to an active client connection in case of a failover.
IBM DB2 Web Query for i: The Nuts and Bolts
(Hernando Bedoya, Jim Bainbridge, Rob Bestgen, Mike Cain, Doug Mack, Simona Pacchiarini, Kathryn Steinbrink and Lin Lin Su) Business Intelligence (BI) is a broad term that relates to applications that analyze data to understand and act on the key metrics that drive profitability in an enterprise. Ke
IBM and HCL Strategic Partnership to jointly develop and market IBM Informix
(Dan Hernandez) I have some very exciting news to share with you today. I am very pleased to announce that IBM and HCL are entering a strategic partnership to jointly develop and market the IBM Informix family of products.
Why isn’t e-mail more easily queryable?
(Craig S. Mullins) Do you ever wonder why e-mail systems don’t use database management technology? Don’t you store some of your e-mails for long periods of time? Do you group them into folders? But then, isn’t it hard to find anything later?
Real-time multi-tenant migration with Cloudant NoSQL database
(James Jong) Executing data migrations on a multi-tenant, document-based, enterprise-level cloud database system is as difficult to do as it is to say. NoSQL document-based storage has proven itself to be the best database solution for agile development, as it is trivial to start storing data. Howev