(Dave Beulke) Here is my trip report from the annual International DB2 User Group (IDUG) conference held last week. The event was great because of the technical, real world, pragmatic, and easy-to-understand content, especially from the user speakers.
Tag: IBM
DB2 12 Debuts Advanced Triggers
(Troy L Coleman) A trigger defines a set of actions that represent the business logic that should occur when INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operations are performed on a given table or view. Triggers can be used to update tables or generate or transform values to be used to insert or update rows. They can
Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson Services: Volume 7 Natural Language Understanding
(Sebastian Vergara, Mohamed El-Khouly, Mariam El Tantawi, Shireesh Marla and Lak Sr) The Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson Services series is a seven-volume collection that introduces IBM Watson cognitive computing services.
DB2 Tips n Tricks Part 114 – What Value Addition Catalog Cache brings in?
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) What Value Addition Catalog Cache brings in?
Think big! Scale your business rules solutions up to the world of big data
(Nigel Crowther) To learn how big data analysis can be integrated into business rules apps, build an example airline passenger app that uses Business Rules and BigInsights for Apache Hadoop services on IBM Bluemix.
A Welcome Alternative to Object Ownership Change
(Troy L Coleman) Most DBAs dread changing the ownership of an object. You have to take the database offline, sometimes for an extensive period, to unload, drop, recreate and reload the data, run runstats and– finally–rebind all the application packages. I’m sure many of you have at least a horror
Set up a secure hybrid cloud environment with IBM Bluemix
(Cristiano Mauri and Guido Gilardi) The advantages of developing on the cloud are appealing for many organizations. However, applications that run in a public cloud with access from the internet are exposed to more security risks than applications that run in a private local network.
DB2 Native REST API – Security
(James Gill) In the previous blogs on the DB2 Native REST API, we’ve talked about installation of the feature, how to create and drop services, and how to drive them. In this one, we’re going to have a look at how security works with REST – both in general HTTP/HTTPS terms, and from the point of vie
TechTip: Node.js JoinJS
(Aaron Bartell) I am currently coding a Node.js project for a customer that uses the HapiJS web framework. We had the need to create a JSON result object from DB2 that conveyed a list of employees and their department associations and send it to the browser.
DB2 for z/OS: Something You Might Not Know About Large Page Frames in a Post-DB2 10 Environment
(Robert Catterall) I well remember the first time I saw it. August, 2016. I was looking at output from the DB2 for z/OS command -DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL(ACTIVE) DETAIL, issued on a DB2 11 system, that a client had sent to me for review.