(Craig S. Mullins) The ARRAY data type was added to DB2 in the last release (Version 11) with the ability to define both ordinary arrays or associative arrays. An ordinary array has a user-defined number of elements that are referenced by their ordinal position in the array.
Tag: IBM
XML, JSON and Schemas
(John Maenpaa) XML isn’t quite dead. Why not? Like many tools created by a robust bureaucracy of software vendors, it feels bloated. It is difficult to work with. It is language agnostic, so parsing it requires complex libraries that are often inefficient.
Five Ways to Make your DB2 Data Delicious for Application Development
(Dave Beulke) Recently on the REDDIT DB2 forum someone raised a question (found here) about DB2’s future in application development. The question and answers talked about the database industry and the reason DB2 is positioned in the upper right quadrant in the latest Gartner Magic Quadrants found he
Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson Services: Volume 7 Natural Language Understanding
(Sebastian Vergara, Mohamed El-Khouly, Mariam El Tantawi, Shireesh Marla and Lak Sri) The Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson Services series is a seven-volume collection that introduces IBM® Watson cognitive computing services. The series includes an overview of specific IBM Watson serv
EgoBot: Fun with a Slightly Mutating ChatBot
(Henrik Loeser) Over the past day and evening I had some fun with a slightly mutating chatbot. The API for the IBM Watson Conversation service offers REST calls to query and change the workspace, the parts that make up a chat.
Using the Exception plug-in node in IBM Integration Bus
(Sandipan Chakraborty and Benu Mohta) The Exception plug-in node requires IBM Integration Bus V9 or later, and runs on both Microsoft Windows and Linux.
Big Data Performance Tuning – Phase II
(Lockwood Lyon) In Phase I we addressed performance tuning of the ETL phases of enterprise data warehouse load processing. Before focusing on the big data application, we need to review how the database administrator does EDW tuning.
Expose APIs in a WebSphere Liberty collective
(Tam Dinh) In today’s fast changing and demanding microservices world, developers need to be flexible and agile in terms of their runtime deployments.
How to Manage Bluemix Service Keys via CLI
(Henrik Loeser) You probably know that CLI stands for Command Line Interface. And you are aware that IBM Bluemix and Cloud Foundry offer a CLIs. Did you know that you can manage service keys from the command line?
RPG Academy: Debug Done Right – Encrypting Your Debugging Views
(Rafael Victoria-Pereira) As you might have guessed, anyone with access to STRDBG, the command that replaces STRISDB, will also have access to your source code! This gets especially sticky if you run a shop that designs and sells software; you need to secure your source code and can’t let your custo