Tag: Editorials


SQL Server 2008 – Migrating Workarounds

Featured Article(s) Archiving Partitioned Data to the Cloud This article describes a solution to backup partitioned data to a cloud storage provider for long term retention. It also describes how to partition a table, partial backup concept, and cloud storage software. Featured White Paper(s) Inside SQL Server 2008: Management Studio improvements With the launch of SQL Server 2008, Microsoft has […]


Performance Management

Upcoming Learning/Demo/Events Here’s a look at what’s coming soon from SSWUG.ORG: SQL Server 911 vWorkshop with Chris Shaw – Really Understand Backup, Recovery and all of your options [Register Here] SSWUG.ORG Virtual Conference 75 sessions, expert speakers, time is running out to register [Register Here] Smart Database Design Class with Paul Nielson In-person, hands-on class about best practices, approaches and […]


Database Mirroring Continued

Featured Article(s) Troubleshooting Replication subscribers not in sync Have you encountered a situation where the replication monitor does not show any errors but the users accessing the subscriber table keeps complaining of missing records? Featured White Paper(s) How to Achieve 40:1 Backup Compression with LiteSpeed for SQL Server’s SmartDiff SQL Server can do differential backups, which capture only the parts […]


The SQL Server Profession Fork in the Road

Upcoming Events vWorkshop: SQL Server 911 Learn about what really matters with backup and recovery – including what you need to know if a recovery fails. This virtual workshop goes into all of the options and tools you have available to protect your systems. SQL Server MVP Chris Shaw will go through how backups work, how you know what types […]


A Key Trend In Our World of Databases

Featured Article(s) Cloud computing and Database Part – 1 Cloud computing and Database – start learning more about these technologies that are key to future database work. SelecTViews Show On the show this week, hear from Kevin Kline and TJay Belt. Talking buy vs. build, consolidation lessons learned, the cloud, security and many other great tips. [Watch Now] Previous shows, […]


Deploy, Secure, Manage

New SelecTViews Show On the show this week, hear from Kevin Kline and TJay Belt. Talking buy vs. build, consolidation lessons learned, the cloud, security and many other great tips. [Watch Now] Previous shows, available now: [Watch Now] Craig Utley and Jason Strate on SelecTViews. [Watch Now] Donald Farmer and Buck Woody on SelecTViews. Have You Registered for the Smart […]


Guest Editorial The Decision Factor

Featured Article(s) Prevent users from overwriting changes made by other users – PART III Prevent users from overwriting changes made by other users Featured White Paper(s) Open Database Connectivity Database connections are the lifeblood of enterprise applications, administrating the secure and steady flow of information b… (read more) Upcoming Events Workshop: SQL Server 911 Are you aware that there are […]