(John Topley) One of the principles of good software engineering is the daily build. If you build your software every day then it acts as a barometer, showing the state of the project. If something’s broken, it gets noticed faster, so it gets fixed faster. The daily build becomes the heartbeat o
Tag: Development
Manage your security openly
(David Gabel) Open security. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Security is truly a secret business, so how can it be managed openly? (R)
Understanding Basic Regular Expressions Patterns
(Tom Archer) When I began writing about the .NET implementation of regular expressions, I intended to focus solely on the .NET classes and not on regular expressions themselves. To that end, I started with a couple of very basic tasks that can be formed with regular expressions: splitting string
PHP Application Development Part One
(David Fells) Settling for the “quick and dirty” solution often costs far more time than it saves. This is as true of PHP coding practices as anything else. In this first article in the series, you will learn practices that will save you time and headaches in the long run, and help you write better
A Weekend With Indigo. Part 1: Simple Messaging
(Clemens Vasters) This weekend I will create some samples for myself as a foundation for learning and fiddling around with Indigo bindings. A “binding” is a combination of transport and behavior settings that binds a service contract to an endpoint and it is a conceptual and functional superset of w
A .NET Developer’s Guide to Windows Security: Understanding Ownership (Sample Chapter)
(Keith Brown) One of the most important components of ACL-based security in Windows is unfortunately also one of the most subtle and overlooked: ownership. Learn about ownership and its importance to security in this sample chapter.
A Database Encryption Solution that is Protecting Against External and Internal Threats, and Meeting Regulatory Requirements
Security is becoming one of the most urgent challenges in database research and industry, and there has also been increasing interest in the problem of building accurate data mining models over aggregate data, while protecting privacy at the level of individual records. Instead of building walls
WebControls and HtmlControls
(Scott) When sitting down to write an ASP.NET application the designer in Visual Studio.NET gives us a toolbox window full of controls. Two of the areas on the toolbox seem to overlap: the Web Form controls tab and the HTML controls tab. Both sections have a button control we can drag onto a form, f
UML for the Software Developer, Part 3: Aggregating
(Mark Goetsch) Part 3 of this series on UML tackles aggregation, which is a special form of association. Part 2 showed you how associations related one class to another, but this article shows that associations are not strong enough when you need to specify ownership.
My Feature in Visual Basic 2005
(Thiru Thangarathinam) One of the new features introduced with Visual Basic 2005 is the My namespace. My namespace is aimed at making the common development tasks very easy to perform. Also with the My namespace, the code you write will be much easier to understand and maintain when a new developer