Tag: Development


Improve Performance With IL

(Godfrey Nolan) One of the key benefits of managed code on the .NET platform is your source code gets turned into an intermediate language (IL). This gives you great insights into how your code will be compiled and executed by the CLR, and it removes many of the urban myths around what is and isn’t


.NET Unwrapped

Tune in to .NET Unwrapped, the webcast series focused on real-world developer solutions for the financial services industry. Hear from the Microsoft financial services team as well as experts who have deployed technologies and systems at some of the largest financial institutions. Learn how to:


MSMQ for .NET Developers (Part 1)

(Michael Jones) Microsoft .NET developers can use several tools to perform operations asynchronously; that is, beginning a process without waiting for the operation to complete. MSMQ has provided this facility to developers since its inception. It was especially useful for VB developers, because bef