When you inherit a class that inherits and overrides another class in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003, the overridden method in the inherited class does not appear in the Method Name box. This problem occurs when you select (Overrides) in the Class Name box of the inherited class.
Tag: Development
Extending the GridView’s Sorting Capabilities
(souri challa) This article examines and extends the “no code needed” sorting capabilities of the GridView server control shipped with ASP.NET version 2.0.
Handling Deadlocks in Java
(Kunal Jaggi) A set of processes or threads is said to be deadlocked when each thread is waiting for an action that only one of the others can perform. This article discusses synchronization, deadlock handling and deadlock prevention in Java.
Using CodeDOM Code Generation to Implement Repetitive Patterns
(Eric McMullen) Pattern gurus are quick to remind us that patterns are not code. Patterns exist at a level above the code. Or, as Martin Fowler says (PDF), “Patterns provide a mechanism for rendering design advice in a reference format.” This implies that patterns are too abstract to be implemen
Tools of the Trade: Application Center Test
(Rob Howard) When you sit down to write an ASP.NET application, how much time do you spend thinking about performance? It’s unfortunate, but for most developers performance is an afterthought. Performance planning and design really need to be front and center. Think about your goals and make sure on
Optimizing the Downloading of Large Files in ASP.NET
(Bruce Johnson) Maximizing performance is the holy grail of every web site. Developers are always looking for that edge…the way to squeeze more bytes of throughput from the same pipeline. Whether it be large files or small, download speed is of paramount importance. To facilitate a study of this
ASP.NET 2.0 Client-Side Features: Bring Server-Side Power to the Client
(Thiru Thangarathinam) In addition to providing a number of new features on the server side, ASP.NET 2.0 also provides a number of improvements on the client side; these increase Web developers’ productivity. These feature improvements include script callbacks, cross-page postbacks, setting focus in
Save time and reduce frustration with a special data class for ASP.NET
(Jeffrey Putz) Many application developers coming to .NET from other platforms are a little surprised at the number of steps generally required to get data in and out of a data base. However, if you put all of your data base logic into one class, you can write statements once and manipulate the data
VB 6 Collection, VBScript Dictionary, and VB .NET Hashtable
Although most of the functions of VB .NET’s Hashtable object can be done using the VB 6 Collection object, and even more can be done using the Scripting library’s Dictionary object, VB .NET has vastly expanded and upgraded the way they work. In this mini-tutorial, we’ll go over the idea of collectio
Improving Application Performance by Implementing Paginated Lists
(Chuck Cooper) Describes how Ameripay has implemented the “How To: Page Records in .NET Applications” section of the Microsoft patterns & practices book Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability.