Tag: Development


Integration Management

(Mark Smith) The impetus for organizations to support business intelligence (BI) and the imperatives of performance management has brought a renewed focus on IT aspects of information management and the required foundation of integration technologies. The nuances of disparate integration technologie


Data Binding Internals

(Dan Green) This article explores the internals of the ASP.NET data binding process. We use a simple example to delve into the interaction between the .NET framework classes and ASP.NET generated code. In the process, the mystery of how the syntax works and why it is so n


ASP.NET 2.0 Themes

(Andrew Flick and Devin Rader) A common problem amongst Web developers is finding ways to make it easy to change the look and feel of their applications without touching the application code. While more developers have moved toward developing Web sites that take advantage of Cascading Style Sheets (


Inheritance 101

(Deborah Kurata) Visual Basic developers had wanted inheritance for what seems like decades. The feature finally made it into VB.NET, making VB.NET an official object-oriented language. By now you are probably already using inheritance in your applications, but are you fully taking advantage of its


The Code Models Of ASP.NET 2.0

(Scott) The typical web form consists of controls (like labels, buttons, and data grids), and programming logic. In ASP.NET 2.0, there are two approaches to managing these control and code pieces: the single-file page model and the code-behind page model. Regardless of which model you choose, it’s i


Diagnose This

(Scott Swigart) Continuing with the VB Fusion theme of “There’s nothing in .NET that you can’t access from VB6”, I want to take some time to dig into the functionality provided by the .NET Framework “System.Diagnostics” classes. In specific, I want to take a look at the very useful “Process” class,