(Tony Patton) Developers often think they need they need to reinvent the wheel, when all they really need to do for certain tasks is make use of existing applications. A good example is utilizing one or more applications in the Microsoft Office suite of products. For instance, you may want to ut
Tag: Development
The Configuration API in .NET 2.0
(scott) The configuration API in .NET 2.0 gives us the ability to read and update configuration files, including web.config and machine.config files. You can read and write configuration files for your application, for another application on the same machine, or even an application on a different se
What Every Dev Must Know About Multithreaded Apps
(Vance Morrison) Ten years ago only hard-core systems programmers worried about the intricacies of writing correct code in the presence of more than one thread of execution. Most programmers stuck with sequential programs to avoid the problem altogether. Now, however, multiprocessor machines
Saving PHP Session Data to a Database
(Tony Marston) As you should be aware the HTTP protocol, as used for serving web pages, is completely stateless. This means that after the server has received a request, processed it and sent a response, the process which dealt with that request dies. Anything that the process had in its memory ther
Data and Database Management: Centralized Versus Decentralized
(Anne Marie Smith) Traditionally in many organizations, the control of data resources has been centralized due to the origin of data management within the mainframe environment. However, with the emergence of client-server technology and the blending of data and process in the object-oriented metho
What’s Wrong with This Code? Java Swing and Threading
(Marcus Zarra) In this article, I challenge you to examine two Java Swing examples, specifically using threads. Each are wrong, in a subtle but painful way.
Introducing ASP.NET 2.0: GridView Control
(Anand Narayanaswamy) In this article, you will learn how to work with the GridView control using the data from a Microsoft Access database. I will examine how to perform advanced tasks such as displaying, sorting, paging, updating and deleting data using one of the powerful controls included with V
Object Interaction in PHP: Introduction to Composition
(Alejandro Gervasio) From a PHP programmer’s point of view, there are many interesting ways that objects can interact with each other within an application. Used extensively across well-structured projects, inheritance is one of the major foundations of the object-oriented paradigm. It allows a
Cryptography and .NET Framework – Part 3 (Public Key Encryption)
(Bipin Joshi) In the Part 2 of this series we learnt to use Secret Key Encryption techniques using Triple-DES algorithm. More often to transfer data encrypted via secret key encryption public key encryption is used. This puts one extra layer of security over the data being transferred. From Part 1 w
Tier Pressure and Isolationism
(Chad Z. Hower) Logical layers within n-tier systems should be designed to interact and be influenced by neighboring layers only. This restriction is often violated, to the detriment of the system. In this article I will discuss why this is common, the consequences, and why we should focus on layer