(Vance McCarthy) As devs debate the merits and demerits of modeling, UMLs and other abstraction tools, Integration Developer News is talking to end users about their “good, bad and ugly” experiences. Our latest interview focuses on a firm that began as skeptics and ended up surprised to find UML too
Tag: Development
An Innovative Technique for Creating Reusuable Page Templates in ASP.NET 1.x
(Steve Stchur) Code reusuability is (or at least should be) one of the major goals of any good object-oriented programmer. Reusuable code cuts development time and also minimizes the chances of introducing new bugs into an application. Fortunately, the ASP.NET framework has made code reusuability ea
Give Your Everyday Custom Collections a Design-Time Makeover
(Paul Ballard) In the long-running debate over whether to use ADO.NET DataSets or custom business objects to represent data within a .NET-based application, DataSets have always held a couple of strategic advantages over custom objects: data binding and design-time support. Rather than engage in tha
Beyond Monitoring – Measuring the effectiveness of a Data Warehouse – I
(Soumendra Mohanty) Successful measurement is the key to warehouse quality and effectiveness. In Part-1 of this article, the author discusses different types of metrics that help assess whether a data warehouse meets user requirements.
Build an Embedded Array Language in Java
(Greg Travis) It’s really not surprising that the first “killer app” in the world of personal computing was the spreadsheet. After all, a table filled with numbers is one of the simplest and most useful metaphors for displaying and analyzing data.
Class and Object Diagrams (Chapter Excerpt)
(Kendall Scott) This article will teach you about UML structural diagrams, used to help you keep track of the structure of your models.
Domain Objects Persistence Pattern for .NET
(Iqbal Khan) Domain objects in an application represent the core data and business validation rules relating to it. And, domain objects are usually central to the entire application and used by most subsystems. Therefore, their good design is critical for a good application design that is robust, hi
Using partial classes to make intelligent datasets
(Amirthalingam Prasanna) This article looks at how partial classes can be used to implement business logic into datasets so that they are more business aware and intelligent.
Take the Burden Off Users with Automatic Configuration in .NET
(Durgaprasad Gorti) Internet Proxy servers are deployed in most environments for security, performance, and usage tracking purposes. When your application makes a request to a resource on the Internet, the request is often routed through a proxy. The proxy server then makes the request on your behal
Database Projects in Visual Studio .NET
(Scott Mitchell) I’ve been using Visual Studio .NET for years developing ASP.NET applications, however it wasn’t until about two years ago that I learned about Database projects in Visual Studio .NET. With a Database project you can manage all of your database’s objects’ creation scripts – stored pr