(Danny Kalev) Four months ago, Microsoft publicized a list of features that could cause existing Visual C++ apps to break when migrated to Visual Studio 2005. Many of these features are core C++ updates that are meant to bring Visual C++ to full compliance with ISO C++. There’s no doubt that the
Tag: Development
Dependency Injection
(Griffin Caprio) Today there is a greater focus than ever on reusing existing components and wiring together disparate components to form a cohesive architecture. But this wiring can quickly become a daunting task because as application size and complexity increase, so do dependencies. One way t
TechTip: Simple Error Handling in Embedded SQL
(Doug Eckersley) Part of good programming practice is error handling: –Was the record found? –Does the field contain proper data? –Is it possible to add a record?
An interview with Richard Hundhausen
(Douglas Reilly) Richard Hundhausen is the author of Building Web Applications with ADO.NET and XML Web Services and Programming ADO.NET, both from Wiley, as well as the upcoming Working with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System from Microsoft Press. He is also a trainer, teaching numerous cours
Stream Decorator, Single-Instance Apps
(Stephen Toub) I’m using a method from a third-party library that expects me to pass a Stream to it. I want to be able to trace that library’s activities with my Stream in order to better understand some behavior in my application. Is there a way to do this?
Pragmatic Guidelines: Diagrams That Work (Sample Chapter)
(Martin L. Shoemaker) In the last chapter, we spent a long time working through the process of Five-Step UML, and looking at all of the new UML notation which that entailed. But in this chapter, we’re going to take a quick break from learning all the formal rules and all the step-by-step instruction
Streamlining Your Data Access Layer with Helper Methods
(Scott Mitchell) A well-architected ASP.NET application provides definitive boundaries between the application’s presentation logic, business logic, and data access code. That is, your ASP.NET web pages should consist solely of markup and logic for displaying data – the specific business rules and c
Simplify your Web page and form development with these 10 PEAR classes
One of the staples of Web site development is the manipulation of Web pages based on user interaction and the retrieval of user data using Web forms. While these functions can certainly be hand coded, there is another way. The PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) contains hundreds of
Utilize client-side code in ASP.NET pages
(Tony Patton) ASP.NET’s codebehind structure provides a great way to separate application code from Web page markup and controls. While it is suitable for most situations, client-side code is not extinct. There are many situations where client-side code may be more appropriate and sometimes the best
SimpleQuery – quick and easy database access via ADO.NET
(ChrisLee1) SimpleQuery is a class designed to run simple T-SQL statements against a .NET Connection. To this end, SimpleQuery contains three static methods to execute T-SQL statements and either return a count of records affected (ExecuteNonQuery), a dataset of the result set (ExecuteSelectQuery),