(Bilal Haidar) This is the first article in a series of articles on the new ASP.NET personalization feature, the Profile object. To start with we will explain what the Profile object is and how it differs from the Session object, and then provide simple examples of a Profile object with simple prope
Tag: Development
Programming with Partial Classes in VB.NET 2005
(Paul Kimmel) Sometimes I wonder what motivates language developers to make some of the design choices they do. In fact, I’d like to arrange events called Authors Summits, where the language vendor, such as Microsoft, explains its decisions directly. Imagine gathering about 200 authors in a room.
Perl functions 101
In this article we explore some of the most useful Perl functions for manipulating arrays and hashes, how each one works, and when it should be used.
Beginner’s Guide to Crystal Reports, Part II: Web Apps
(tvmogul) Part I of this article contained needed background information and dealt with Winforms. You should read it before reading this article. This article, Part II, deals with Web Apps.
13 changes in Visual Basic 2005 that will enrich your application development
(Matthew MacDonald) While the incremental change to Visual Basic 2005 from previous versions may not be that much of a sea change overall, there are at least 13 changes in the next version that will make an application developer’s life better. This download chapter excerpt from Visual Basic 2005: A
Protect Resources with the Using Block
(Paul Kimmel) Opposing market and technological forces are imposing a mild sort of schizophrenia on Visual Basic. Some want Visual Basic .NET to remain as much like VB6 as possible, so they can use forms without invoking the constructor and the new operator in VB.NET 2.0. At the same time, others wa
Living the Least Privilege Lifestyle, Part 2: Why Running as a Non-Admin is Safer
(Don Kiely) In the first part of this “Living the ‘Least Privilege’ Lifestyle” series, I made the assertion that the fact that most people run with administrative rights on their local machines is the root cause of many or most of today’s security problems. I went on to explain the problems with run
Precompilation in ASP.NET 2.0
(Johnson Smith) When the first request arrives at your web application there is a mind-numbing amount of work to do. The worker process starts, the runtime initializes, .aspx pages are parsed and compiled to intermediate language, methods are just-in-time compiled to native code–the list goes on an
Beginner’s Guide to Crystal Reports, Part I: Winforms
(tvmogul) The company I own provides custom software solutions to Fortune 500 companies in Los Angeles, CA and Miami, FL for C# and VB .NET Winform and WebForm applications. We can provide a Web or Winform app that would take six programmers a year to complete in just days, thereby saving our client
Building an Image Keyword System
(Ziran Sun) Unlike text-based file formats (HTML, XML, plain text and even PDF and MS Word documents), image files aren’t made up of text. This makes searching for an image file by keyword difficult. Instead of being able to simply open the file to see what words it contains, we’re stuck looking at