(Scott Swigart) It’s common to have applications that need to load and store configuration information. Applications may expose options to the users, track recently opened files, remember previous form sizes, or more. By writing some simple VB.NET code, you can easily add this kind of configuration
Tag: Development
Defense in Depth
(Don Kiely) I recently spoke at Whidbey Blast, a one-day, Visual Studio 2005 conference hosted by the Northern Colorado .NET Users Group. I did the keynote and a session about MSBuild, then sat in on some of the other sessions that covered a variety of upcoming technologies.
Caching Result Sets in PHP: The Barebones of a Caching Class
(Alejandro Gervasio) While procedural caching may be well-suited for small and even medium-sized applications, the picture changes for large projects. That’s when object-oriented approaches come into their own. This article focuses on developing an object-based extensible caching solution.
Optimizing memory in .NET applications
This white paper from Compuware details how the .NET Framework allocates and reclaims memory. It’s a must-read for application developers who want to apply the principles of .NET memory management to their advantage. The paper describes how the .NET garbage collector works and offers a number of mem
Auditing and Risk Management: Data Auditing Can Help Meet Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Challenges
(Murray S. Mazer) The effects of corporate governance, risk management and compliance pressures on the management team of an organization have been oft publicized. It is foolish, however, to assume that these pressures start and end in the boardroom. Database professionals face similar pressures
Discover Dynamic Code Compilation
(Mark Strawmyer) Not sure where dynamic code compilation makes sense? A common scenario should help illustrate the need for it. Suppose you have to pull data out of one database and put it into another. Piece of cake: You’d just use a SQL statement to extract from the source and insert into the dest
Faster Coding with the ‘My’ Object in Visual Basic 2005
(John Traenkenschuh) A few months ago, I wrote a series of weblogs on Informit regarding transitioning from VB 6 to Visual Basic .NET. I wanted to know why a few developers were hanging back. The blog and the responses seemed well received, and I got some fantastic views on transitioning to .NET or
Migrating from ADO ‘Classic’ to ADO.NET
(William Vaughn) Thanks to Calvin, Hobbes and Bill Waterson, I’ve been fascinated with the term “transmogrify” for some time. This technology has (apparently) been around for some time and purportedly been used to describe the process of changing frogs into princes and puppets into people (or vice-v
Data Integration Strategy – EAI or ETL
(Akshinthala Kishor Kumar) Business enterprises are investing millions of dollars to implement and deliver business initiatives such as ERP, SCM, CRM, data warehousing and business intelligence that rely on consistent, accurate and reliable data. So need of the day for IT organization in such enterp
Top 10 Must-Have Features in O/R Mapping Tools
(Iqbal Khan) O/R mapping tools are becoming more popular each day and people are realizing the productivity gain they provide to developers. Yet, many people don’t know enough about O/R mapping to consider using these tools and many others are weary of using any code generators (including O/R mappin