Tag: Development


Configuration Station

(Scott Swigart) It’s common to have applications that need to load and store configuration information. Applications may expose options to the users, track recently opened files, remember previous form sizes, or more. By writing some simple VB.NET code, you can easily add this kind of configuration


Defense in Depth

(Don Kiely) I recently spoke at Whidbey Blast, a one-day, Visual Studio 2005 conference hosted by the Northern Colorado .NET Users Group. I did the keynote and a session about MSBuild, then sat in on some of the other sessions that covered a variety of upcoming technologies.


Discover Dynamic Code Compilation

(Mark Strawmyer) Not sure where dynamic code compilation makes sense? A common scenario should help illustrate the need for it. Suppose you have to pull data out of one database and put it into another. Piece of cake: You’d just use a SQL statement to extract from the source and insert into the dest