(Bipin Joshi) In Part 2 we discussed how to work with DataSet returned by the web form. The disadvantage of using web forms as data suppliers is that one web form typically returns only one DataSet. You need to put all the code in the Page_Load. It would be much more organized and useful if you can
Tag: Development
Living the ‘Least Privilege’ Lifestyle, Part 4: Is Developing Secure Software as an Administrator an Impossible Dream?
(Don Kiely) Now that Don Kiely has convinced us of the need to run as mere users whenever possible, he focuses on how software developers can (and should) live the least privilege lifestyle to ensure that applications they write are secure.
How To: Perform a Security Code Review for Managed Code (.NET Framework 2.0)
(J.D. Meier, Alex Mackman, Blaine Wastell, Prashant Bansode, Jason Taylor and Rudolph Araujo) This How To shows you how to perform security code reviews. This module presents the steps involved in the activity, and techniques for analyzing your results. Use this How To with Security Question List: M
Introducing Visual Studio 2005 IntelliSense Code Snippets
(Patrick Gallucci) Dynamic code generation has existed for quite a while. In fact, you’ll find tools that can help developers generate tens of thousands of lines of code with just a click of a button. Some of these are even flexible enough to allow you to modify the tokens in the template—or even th
Developing Web Applications for .NET and J2EE Using a Single Source Strategy
(Marco Nanni) Portability is a feature that can notably improve the market share of a software product. The ASP.NET technology allows the development of web applications that are browser independent but it limits the application to running inside an IIS web server.
VSA Scripting in .NET – Introduction
(Mark Belles) This article will focus on Visual Studio for Applications, or VSA, and explain how it can be integrated with .NET programs. It will also explain a few key areas you must understand in order to successfully integrate VSA into your programs.
Find Out What’s New with Code Access Security in the .NET Framework 2.0
(Mike Downen) Security in the Microsoft .NET Framework encompasses many technologies: role-based security in the base class libraries (BCL) and in ASP.NET, cryptography classes in the BCL, and new support for using access control lists (ACLs) are just a few examples. One of the technologies in the .
Getting Started with Continuous Integration
(Mike Gunderloy) Imagine that you’ve just fixed a bug in your application’s code and checked the fix into the project’s source code repository. How much do you know now? If all you know is that the fix worked on your machine, you’re playing with fire. If you’ve run the fix through a suite of integra
Follow best practice by validating data with PHP’s character type functions
Allowing a user to enter information into a form is one of the most common features of a Web site or an application. However, best practices require that the information given in those circumstances be validated before it is accepted into a database or is used in a calculation. If your scripting
Convert VBA Code to Visual Basic .NET
(Dale Oberg) Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the environment and language for Microsoft Office applications that has been available for several years. Microsoft Office 2003 Editions include a new environment for building applications called Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (