Get the information you need to achieve Sarbox compliance by selecting the right systems-based identity management solution. Download “Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Identity Management Control,” a September 2005 white paper from BMC. Read it now. (R, pdf)
Tag: Development
Caching Result Sets in PHP: Implementing the Caching System in PHP 5
(Alejandro Gervasio) Welcome to the final part of the series “Caching Result Sets in PHP.” Hopefully, the last chapter of this tutorial will help you to put together all of the classes developed in the previous part, and demonstrate how the complete caching system can be implemented in a PHP 5 contr
‘My’ Objects of VB.NET
(Bipin Joshi) The VB.NET Version 2.0 as well as C# version 2.0 contains many new enhancements to the core language. One of the new cool feature added to VB.NET is “My” objects. My objects is a set of objects that are implicitly available to your application which provide short cut to many tasks othe
Banish Security Blunders with an Error-prevention Process
(Adam Kolawa) Security can be a complex and often overwhelming issue. To ensure application security, not only must you prevent hackers from entering the system, but you need code in place that safeguards security should those preventive measures fail. There is no room for error. You can anticipate
Speed Up Your Hibernate Applications with Second-Level Caching
(John Ferguson Smart) High-volume database traffic is a frequent cause of performance problems in Web applications. Hibernate is a high-performance, object/relational persistence and query service, but it won’t solve all your performance issues without a little help. In many cases, second-level cach
Secrets Of The Masters: Core Java Interview Questions
(Yakov Fain) If you are planning to hit the job market, you may need to refresh some of the Java basic terms and techniques to prepare yourself for a technical interview. Let me offer you some of the core Java questions that you might expect during the interviews.
Type Design Guidelines in .NET
(Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams) From the CLR perspective, there are only two categories of types—reference types and value types—but for the purpose of framework design discussion we divide types into more logical groups, each with its own specific design rules. Figure 4-1 shows these logical gr
Delphi and VB Developers, You Too Can Build Java GUIs
(Mario Castillo) Two years ago, the Swiss business software maker Abacus Research AG decided to port its complete product line from Borland’s Delphi to Java/Swing. The Abacus Delphi development team faced the unenviable task of rewriting hundreds of GUI applications in Swing without the aid of tools
Using Visual Studio .NET Wizards to Create an N-Tiered Application – Part 1
(David Catherman) Microsoft is known for providing good tools for Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools for developers. MS Access, Visual Studio 6, Visual Interdev and others have provided an environment to visually combine controls, properties, and generated code for quick applications. Visual
Security elite hash out encryption alternatives
(Charlie Hosner) At this week’s Cryptographic Hash Workshop in Washington, DC, the giants of the cryptography field met to discuss the problem of our disintegrating hash algorithms. Today, the security of the algorithms that protect our online banking and digital signature systems is crumbling, and