(Marcus Zarra) It is becoming very common for normal computer users to access their data from more than one location. Previously, it was expected that work data was to stay at work, and home data was to stay at home. Now, laptops are common, telework is unremarkable, and users expect to access their
Tag: Development
Highlighting Multiple Search Keywords in ASP.NET
(Dimitrios Markatos) A few years ago I had written a short article that demonstrated how one could highlight a keyword within a DataGrid control based on what was passed into it. Although this functionality served its purpose, it was however limited to one search word at a time; multiple search term
Book Excerpt: Professional ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005
(Matthew MacDonald and Mario Szpuszta) In these three chapters from the latest APress book “Professional ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005,” read about the new databinding controls in ASP.NET 2.0 as well as the new Data Controls for Web Forms. Also included is a chapter on Advanced Web Services. (pdf)
Examining ASP.NET 2.0’s Site Navigation – Part 2
(Scott Mitchell) Any website that is composed of more than one page needs some sort of navigation user interface, which is created in a two-step process. First, the site’s logical structure must be defined; then, user interface elements are added to allow the user to move between sections of the sit
The Iterator Pattern, concluded
(Jason E. Sweat) This article, the second of two parts, explains how to use the Iterator pattern to manipulate any collection of objects.
Obtain user, group, and process information in Perl
(Guest Contributor Mellonfire) This document lists the important functions in the Perl library designed specifically to provide user, group, and process information, with recommendations on where each should be used and working code samples to help you on your way.
Grid Computing Looking Forward
(Enrique Castro-Leon and Joel Munter) A number of technology transitions are taking place or will take place within the next five years that will lower the barriers that exist today to deploy, maintain, and run applications on computer grids. Most of the literature dwells on performance gains and ap
Configure a Web Application to Use a Specific Version of ASP.NET
(Manoj Agarwal) Have you faced the problem of having different versions of ASP.NET installed on your machine and wanting to run a particular ASP.NET application in a specific version and not been able to do that, even after trying various things like tinkering with the web.config file or checking di
The Singleton and Factory Patterns in PHP: Working With Singletons
(Alejandro Gervasio) In this fourth part of the series covering the Singleton and Factory Design Patterns in PHP, we will discuss issues stemming from the fact that PHP 4 does not have an abstract class. Since we found it useful in the previous article to define the form element factory class as an
Simplify .NET coding and maintenance with class libraries
(Tony Patton) I was recently called onto a project to add features to existing applications. To me, this is one of the most challenging aspects of being a developer because the existing application strips away much of your control.