Tag: Development


A Mobile Utility in VB.Net

(G. Varadharaj) The rapid advancement in cellular communication and digital technology has resulted in newer models of cell phones, with the latest technologies, being introduced almost every other day. The competitive marketing strategies of the cell phone manufactures have brought down the cost of


Performance-Tuning Data Models

(Walter Howard) If you’ve made it alive through the technology downturn over the past few years, chances are you’ve had to do more for less. One of the things I’ve found myself doing more often than before is performance tuning my physical data models instead of handing them off to a DBA team for ph


Cryptography in .NET

(N.Paramaguru) Cryptography is the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms. The usage of cryptography is critical nowadays, since lot of confidential data is being transferred through highly insecure mediums. Though the mediums claim to be much secured, there are poss