(Mukund Pujari) These are some tips for commonly faced problems in .NET . Some of these tips are mine and some of these I have gotten from diffeent sources.
Tag: Development
Hunt down buggy .NET code faster with continuous integration
(Tony Patton) One aspect of team development is allowing individual developers (or groups) to develop and build features locally before merging with a central repository that incorporates all changes. Developers test and debug locally with the latest version, and they still cross their fingers to en
Watching Folder Activity in VB.NET – Introduction
(Jayesh Jain) Have you ever wanted to write an application that constantly monitors a folder and raises events when there is any activity in that folder? In the good old days using VB6, you had to use windows APIs to do something like this, which was not very simple and required a lot of coding.
Examining ASP.NET 2.0’s Membership, Roles, and Profile – Part 2
(Scott Mitchell) In Part 1 of this article series we saw how ASP.NET 2.0’s membership service provides a framework for managing user accounts. The framework is composed of a Membership class with a bevy of methods that can be used to create, delete, modify, retrieve, and authenticate users. Since ev
Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 Applications to Visual Basic .NET and Visual Basic 2005
This guide is intended for software technical decision makers, solution architects, and software developers who are involved in Visual Basic 6.0 application or component development. It helps you understand the issues and risks that go along with upgrading to Visual Basic .NET. It also provides step
Risky Business – The Self Auditing Database
(Amichai Shulman) The increasing frequency of database attacks is driving federal and state legislation that requires virtually every organization to deploy more robust audit mechanisms to protect sensitive data. To meet this requirement, some organizations attempt to use the built-in auditing tools
An Image is Worth a Thousand Words in PHP
(Brian Vaughn) This article, the first of two parts, describes a fun little project that will help you sharpen your image manipulation skills. The completed application takes an image and converts it to a string of text that resembles the original image.
Building a Better Virus Trap
(Christopher Jones) Not so long ago, viruses were just one of those little annoyances that come along with using a computer, akin to the gnat that orbits your head at the family picnic. But over the past few years, those pesky little pieces of code have steadily moved from simply popping up mess
Streamline your Data Connections by Moving to MARS
(Laurence Moroney) Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is a new feature of ADO.NET 2.0 that allows multiple queries or stored procedures to be performed on a single connection. The result of this is that you can get and manage multiple, forward-only, read-only result sets on a single connection. Prio
Authentication in IIS
(Joe Lima) We often think about security measures as ways of protecting resources by preventing access to them. The need for authentication arises because, in the real world, keeping people out of protected areas is only half the battle. Authentication is about letting certain people (or processes)