(Tony Patton) A client once greeted me with a barrage of complaints about Microsoft, product costs, and so forth. They wondered aloud whether they ought to assemble a strategy for moving to an open source platform to save money. Now, I’m not one to start an argument about the merits of consumer vs.
Tag: Development
GridView Delete, with Confirmation
(azamsharp) Everyone likes a confirmation that lets them know that a record is being deleted. In this article, I will show you how you can prompt confirmation boxes when you delete a record from the GridView control.
Leverage the .NET Framework with Visual Basic.NET
(G.Gnana Arun Ganesh) Using the .NET Framework, Microsoft Visual Basic developers can build robust applications that were very difficult to write in previous versions of Visual Basic. This article will discuss the the powerful features of the Visual Basic.NET and it`s Data types.
Validation Ccontrols in ASP.NET
(Ramaswamy R.S) In this short tutorial, we will consider the following controls in ASP.Net: · RequiredFieldValidator; · CompareValidator; · RangeValidator; and · Validation summary
Reincarnation of DataTable in ADO.NET 2.0
(Mahesh Chand) In previous versions of ADO.NET, if you used a DataSet (Who haven’t), you most likely are familiar with slow performance of the DataSet when loading and serializing a large amount of data. Now ADO.NET team has done a fantastic job by taking care of these problems in ADO.NET 2.0 by ext
VSTO’s Data Caching Capabilities Extend Office Development
(Ty Anderson) As a result of Microsoft Office’s popularity, most corporate data resides on someone’s hard drive, most likely within a Word or Excel document. This situation is fine for most users, but it makes it difficult to share data among teams or departments.
GridView Redux
(Gary Dryden) The ASP.NET 2.0 GridView is a wonderful beast that can allow you to create new database rows, edit in place, even provide DropDownLists and CheckBoxes to aid you in the entry process. It can even do data validation.
User-defined Interfaces in PHP 5: Building a Page Generator
(Alejandro Gervasio) Here we are again. Welcome to the last part of the series “User-defined interfaces in PHP5.” Although the subject is certainly thorough enough to be the topic of a complete book chapter, this series has hopefully served as an introduction to learning the basics of interfaces, as
Virtual Web Application using ASP.NET Whidbey
(Saravana Kumar) Virtual web application is a sample applicatoin created to demonstrate the capabilities of ASP.NET 2.0. In this application i have used following new features of ASP.NET 2.0 –File System Provider [VirtualPathProvider] –Master Page –Client Callback Feature –Login and Mem
Simplifying Application Maintenance with Visual Basic 2005
(Brad McCabe) Learn to use some of the new features of Visual Basic 2005 such as compiler warnings and refactoring support to simplify the process of maintaining your existing applications.