(Ziran Sun) Have you ever wished you could easily set up password protected areas of your web site without creating system user accounts? What about moving a password protected website from Apache to IIS? This article examines a free product that makes both of these tasks amazingly simple.
Tag: Development
Create and Share Your Own Code Snippets
(Josh Fitzgerald) One of the most intriguing new features of VB 2005 is IntelliSense Code Snippets. Code snippets make it easy to insert commonly used pieces of code into your project. They are also great for very valuable pieces of code whose syntax you never get the quite right without consulting
Using Visual Studio 2005’s WSAT to configure your web application
(Ludmal Suranga De Silva) Configuration is one of ASP.NET’s powerful features. Although it can be used in production sites by simply editing the web.config XML file, we tend to forget how to add impersonation or custom error pages to the configuration file, or we are unaware of XML’s case sensitivit
Learn The ABCs Of Programming Windows Communication Foundation
(Aaron Skonnard) Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), formerly code-named “Indigo,” is about to radically change the face of distributed programming for developers using the Microsoft .NET Framework. WCF unifies the existing suite of .NET distributed technologies into a single programming model t
Take Total Control Of Your Networking With .NET And UDP
(Yaniv Pessach) You’ve probably made use of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in your applications at some point, whether directly or indirectly—after all, HTTP runs on top of TCP, so every Web application is built atop it. But maybe you’ve wondered whether its brother User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
A Visual Studio Add-In That Converts C# Code To Visual Basic
(Scott Swigart) The “Paste as…” functionality in applications like Microsoft Word has become indispensable for me. I often copy something from the Web and want to paste it into a document without all of the HTML formatting. Paste as is the tool for the job.
Delivering High Availability
(Alan Arnold) Globalization, the Internet, competitive pressures, and higher consumer expectations have significantly increased the need for dependable 24×7 information systems in businesses, as well as in not-for-profit and government organizations. Fortunately, a number of products, from a var
Error Handling in PHP: Introducing Exceptions in PHP 5
(Alejandro Gervasio) Welcome to the last part of the series “Error Handling in PHP.” In two parts, this series introduces the basics of error handling in PHP. It demonstrates some of the most common methods for manipulating errors in PHP 4, and explains the implementation of exceptions in PHP 5, par
Control how data is delivered with ASP.NET
(Tony Patton) During a recent Web project, I focused on the coding, while a Flash developer handled the user interface. The interface required data delivered from a backend data source and the Flash developer requested text files. This was an unsuitable delivery method since the data varied accordin
Write Mobile Agents In .NET To Roam And Interact On Your Network
(Matt Neely) Recently I had the opportunity to return to school to complete a graduate degree. This experience made me realize two important things: there are some cool ideas in academia that seem to never find the light of day in the professional setting, and the academic world at large is not yet