(Tom Crane) Regardless of whether the user uploaded a new raw image or picked a thumbnail, we have now supplied the control with information about the image’s width and height, and what the server ID is (either newly generated or inferred from the thumbnail).
Tag: Development
Understand the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance on your disaster recovery plan
(Mike Talon) No discussion of disaster recovery (DR) and compliance issues would be complete without looking at the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). Originally designed to help avoid the irregular accounting situations made famous by companies like Enron, SOX was passed in 2002 to outline strict gu
Extending an ASP.NET Datagrid to Support Simple Cross Tab Reporting: The Structure
(Jagadish Chaterjee) This article guides you through developing your own ASP.NET custom control by extending the existing datagrid control (in ASP.NET). It mainly concentrates on Cross Tab Reporting with the ASP.NET data grid.
JavaServer Faces and ASP.NET – A Side by Side Look Part 2
(Michael Klaene) In the previous article, I discussed the similarities and differences between the ASP.NET and JavaServer Faces frameworks. Two sample two applications were shown. One of the applications was developed using JSF and the other used ASP.NET. Both applications served the same functional
Private Pages with PHP and Text Files
(Dan Wellman) You run a website that is simple enough it doesn’t require a database. But your site features certain pages to which you’d like to limit access. Most of the time, that implies using a database to store passwords and usernames. There is an easier way, however. It’s less secure, but it i
Do More With Less: Exploring Virtual Server 2005
(Anil Desai) Over the years, computing hardware performance has grown at a dramatic rate. There’s always some hungry application waiting to gobble up all that power, but many machines run at a small fraction of their total capacity, taking up precious space, administrative effort, and resources. If
Dealing with images in content management systems, Part 1
(Tom Crane) The raw images might be from digital cameras, from mobile phones, or from scans. These will almost always be far too large, both in pixel dimensions and file size, to be used as web images. In a typical scenario, the finished images will need to be constrained to a certain pixel size to
Manipulate strings with PHP
(Christian Wenz) This sample chapter, taken from PHP Phrasebook, discusses how to use PHP to manipulate strings. (pdf)
Manage Data With VS 2005
(Roger Jennings) The Microsoft Developer Tools Roadmap promised that Visual Studio 2005 would “radically enhance the experience of manipulating and retrieving data” by simplifying “data source design from within the development environment” (see Additional Resources). Planned UI enhancements include
Inheritance, Aggregation, and Containment
COM reusability in the .NET Framework is accomplished through inheritance. COM types can participate in inheritance as a base class. Use the inheritance, aggregation, or containment models under the circumstances in the following box.