Tag: Development


Using PHP on the command line

(Vincent Danen) PHP is generally regarded as one of the most powerful and easy-to-learn Web scripting technologies, and emphasis has largely been devoted to using PHP on Web sites. However, the same power that can be harnessed to handle complex Web sites can also be used on the command line. Like Pe


ASP.NET Outlook-Like Time Field

(Steven Berkovitz) The IT side of my company is almost completely service based, mostly involving on-site technicians. We have an internal e-Business portal that we use to track services rendered to the clients. The complaint I received most often from our technicians was how annoying it was to ente


Generic Code in ADO.net 2.0

A majority of applications today use a database at the back-end. In application software, database systems have become indispensable. As there are many open and closed source database systems available, the development team has to make a choice as to the database system that they will use in their a