Tag: Development


Securing your WCF service

(William Tay) In this article I will show you how you can implement security on a WCF service. There are many options and extensibility points for implementing security in WCF. You can also use specific products, such as the Windows 2003 Server Authorization Manager, together with WCF to implement t


Normalization for dummies

(Samuel Isaac) Most database designers probably don’t set out trying to “normalize their database”. They just come out with this nice, logical design that happens to be normalized (usually up to the 3rd Normal Form) though that wasn’t the primary goal. The primary goal is usually performance.


Having Fun with Code Snippets

(Deborah Kurata) There are some pieces of code that you write over and over again. Some of these pieces make sense as standard components or standard methods, such as logging or validation. Other pieces are more unique and cannot easily be made into standard methods, like Property procedures, For lo