(Peter Aitken) We all know that Magellan was a famous Portuguese navigator who, in the early 16th century, led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. Our task as web designers is not quite so daunting, but we still have to pay attention to navigation.
Tag: Development
Programming Serial Ports Using Visual Basic 2005
(Wei-Meng Lee) Visual Basic programmers who do networking programming will no doubt be familiar with the MSCOMM control in VB6. For those of us who followed VB’s progression to VB.NET, it was a big surprise to find that control missing in .NET 1.x. What we had instead was Platform Invoke (P/Invoke),
Web Services: The State of the Art in Tooling
(Joe Pluta) When I started this project, I had hoped to look through a whole range of tools and then compare and contrast them. I figured that with the immense amount of work that has been poured into standardizing the entire Web services industry, from SOAP to UDDI, it would be child’s play to pick
Caching in ASP.NET
(Joydip Kanjilal) Caching is a feature of ASP.NET that improves the performance of web applications by minimizing the usage of server resources to a great extent. This article discusses Caching, its types and contains some lucid code examples to illustrate On- Demand Data Caching.
Introducing the ASP.NET 2.0 GridView Control – Part 2
(Ziran Sun) In the first part of this article, I gave a brief introduction to one of the new data-bound controls introduced in the .NET Framework version 2.0 — the GridView. In this part, I’ll continue examining this versatile control and introduce you to some of its more powerful capabilities.
The BindingSource component to disable Windows Forms controls associated with ReadOnly properties
(Michael Bosch) Windows Forms databinding has greatly improved in .NET 2.0. Microsoft has enhanced our object-oriented toolbox by allowing Windows Forms controls to databind to our custom objects’ properties. This new functionality is centered around the new BindingSource component. Although this co
Take control and make better Web sites with ASP.NET 2.0 Web parts (Sample Chapter)
(Michael A. Kittel and Geoffrey T. LeBlond) Web Parts are the new building blocks of personalization in ASP.NET 2.0. A Web part consists of an ASP.NET server or user control that takes advantage of the Web Parts control set, which is a group of structural components found in ASP.NET 2.0. (pdf)
Create A Simple Mutation Testing System With The .NET Framework
(James McCaffrey) Mutation testing is the least common and most misunderstood type of testing analysis. With mutation testing, the system/program under test is changed to create a faulty version called a mutant. You then run the mutant program through a suite of test cases, which should produce new
A High Performance Model for State and Caching
(Robert Bogue) Every Web application has to deal with session state in one way or another. Most default to the state management built into the environment of the language they’re using. It’s simple, quick, and in many cases effective.
Dependency Injection and Microsoft Windows Forms
(Guy Starbuck) The patterns & practices group at Microsoft provides architectural and design guidance for users of Microsoft technologies. Part of the way they do this is by producing and distributing packages called “application blocks.” An application block consists of a functional subsystem or so