(Jagadish Chaterjee) This article is the second one in a series focusing on developing a simple DAL (Data Access Layer) for any database using ADO.NET. In this series, we consider Sybase as the database of choice for developing the DAL.
Tag: Development
Server-Side Asynchronous Methods for ASP.NET and WinFX
(Karl M. Hulme) The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to expose a method from an ASP.NET Web Service or WinFX Service that uses the asynchronous pattern internally, to increase the scalability of the service. Specifically, how to prevent the threads that are being used to service request
Why Asynchronous Delegates Are Your Friend
(Jon Shemitz) Many practicing .NET programmers do not know that any delegate can be invoked asynchronously. The syntax involves a strange and confusing pair of (usually) null parameters. Most people see that and immediately put it on the “some other day” pile, which of course gradually becomes the ”
Role of BI in Improving Inventory Management Effectiveness
(Raghuveeran Sowmyanarayanan and Sourav Ghosh) In operational terms, inventory is the amount of raw materials, fuel and lubricants, spare parts, semi-processed material and finished goods to be stocked for the smooth running of a plant or distributor. Inventory is equated with money, as money is loc
Collections and Sorting
(David Fells) PHP has only a limited ability to support collections in the way that other programming languages such as C# and Java do, as far as the manner of access. This article navigates one possible solution.
Templates in Visual Studio .Net
(Ricardo Casquete) This Article shows the way to create your own Templates for the Visual Studio. I have found little information about this issue.
The Null Design Pattern
(Partha S) In this post, we’ll take a look at the Null Design Pattern. For all you guys who were about to shout – hey ! GoF book never had this , I agree. The Null Design pattern was not part of the original GoF book. It’s a very useful pattern nonetheless and definitely deserves mention.
Getting Started with Master Pages and Themes
(Steve Joubert) It seems that there is both excitement and confusion surrounding Master Pages and Themes. A big part of the problem is that they always seem to be mentioned in the same breath – like I just did. The reality is that they are two separate but equally important technologies. Each has it
Generate development documentation with the inclusion by reference method
(Robert L. Bogue) Whether your software development process is the antique waterfall method or something more razzle-dazzle like the latest agile methodology you have got to be creating some minimal levels of artifacts like documentation. That is, of course, excepting those who continue to use no me
Quick Visual Studio .NET Tips
(Karl Moore) The Task window in VB.NET is a great way of keeping track of tasks that are related to your project. For example, if you have code issues or compile errors, VB.NET will automatically list them here.