Tag: Development


Fundamentals of Recursion in PHP

(Alejandro Gervasio) Iteration is a straightforward concept. Recursion is a bit more complicated; it can be defined as a regular function that calls itself. PHP supports recursive functions. This article, the first of three parts, will explain recursive functions and help you see why they are useful


Disabling the Postback Button

(Craig Shoemaker) Have you ever been asked to create an ASP.NET page that required you to protect users from themselves? All too often, this need is seen when a page initiates a server side process that takes a significant amount of time to complete. Often, users will fill out a mortgage applicati


What’s the Data Model Scorecard?

(Steve Hoberman) An application’s flexibility and data quality depend quite a bit on the underlying data model. In other words, a good data model can lead to a good application and a bad data model can lead to a bad application. Therefore we need an objective way of measuring what is good or bad ab