Pro-Center Video Programming for IT Professionals
Tag: data quality
SSWUGtv: What happens when your boss leaves the company? Laura Rose has some ideas about how to keep your confidence in your job.
Video Programming for IT Professionals
SSWUGtv: Bud Walker gives some great tips and information about data cleansing and adding to the value of your data.
Video Programming for IT Professionals
SSWUGtv: Security breaches, MySQL, XBOX 720, and Idera’s monitoring tool on today’s SSWUGtv news with Stephen Wynkoop
Video Programming for IT Professionals
SSWUGtv: How do you work with people who take more than they give? Listen to Laura Rose’s tips!
Video Programming for IT Professionals
Indexing – where do you even start?! Jason Strate’s got some great tips for you.
Pro-Center Video Programming for IT Professionals
How do you work with SQL Server in a hosted environment? NOT just in the cloud. Stephen Wynkoop’s got some great tips for you.
Pro-Center Video Programming for IT Professionals
SSWUGtv: How do you know what sort of job you’ve signed up for? Laura Rose explains employment and consulting contracts.
Video Programming for IT Professionals
SSWUGtv: What does mentoring mean to you? Laura Rose gives us her answers today.
Video Programming for IT Professionals
SSWUGtv: What technologies should you be paying attention to? The answers are here, with Laura Rose.
Video Programming for IT Professionals