
How Do I Work with Team Members Located in Different Parts of the World?

How Do I Work with Team Members Located in Different Parts of the World?

Career Management Series

By Laura Lee Rose

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff. I have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas.

At the end of the day, I transform the way you run your business into a business you love to run.

How do I work with team members located in different parts of the world?

I want to work effectively with team members located in different parts of the world. How do I ensure that location, time difference, culture and beliefs and personality will not affect my work with the team?

Whether you team members are across town or across the world, creating a Communication Plan fits the build.

Communication Plan

Your communication plan includes (but not limited to):

1) A directory of your significant members, preferred method of communication, telephone numbers, email addresses, Skype id, Time Zones, etc

2) How you plan to convey regular Status information (daily meetings, weekly meetings, emails, phone calls, etc)

3) How you plan to convey Critical or High Priority information (phone call? text?)

4) Your Service Agreement or Response time expectations (respond by EOD, within 1 business day, within 2 hours).

5) What is expected when someone misses a meeting. Are you going to have the meetings recorded?

6) Where you are locating your shared meeting minutes, presentations, audios, or other materials. Will you be recording your meetings and placing them on a shared location for people to refer to, etc.

7) Incorporate weekly or twice-a-month one-on-one meetings with each team member. Regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings (via phone or in person) eliminate much confusion that email may cause.

8) Supply templates and checklists to assure the work gets completed the way you way, each time. Consistency eliminates confusion and errors. If people are getting your status in the same way each week (and vice-versa), they know what to expect and how to respond.

Vacation Considerations

You communication plans should also consider vacation schedules. Regardless of your holiday hours, make sure you consider the following:

1) Make sure everyone has all their vacations identified early (by mid-year).

2) Make sure all your project schedules block out for their vacation time.

3) Make sure that all your procedures, outstanding items, and possible issues that may arise during the holiday season is clearly documented and shared with those responsible for handling these issues during the break. This includes creating, publicizing and updating your communication plans. If you don’t have a communication plan, please setup an introductory consult to discuss that important tool.

4) Make sure the staff has been trained on the outstanding issue.

5) Make sure your clients have been informed about the holiday schedule far in advance.

6) Make sure your clients provide you with all their requirements far in advance so that you can accomplish their goals before the holidays.

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