Class Info

Online Course: New Features of SQL Server 2014

Get Full Access for Only $49.00  

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Kalen Delaney, course instructor and celebrated author of SQL Server 2012 Internals, will introduce you to the new features of SQL Server 2014 that every DBA should know about.

The target of this class is administrators, developers or IT professionals who have experience with a recent version of SQL Server.

Session Descriptions

In this course you will learn about:

• SQL Server 2014 discontinued and deprecated features
• Licensing changes
• What’s available for SQL Server in a hybrid cloud environment
• Adjusting the lock priority for certain online operations
• New permissions to make assigning rights with a database easier
• How you can extend SQL Server’s buffer pool to a solid-state device
• AlwaysOn enhancements
• How the new updatable columnstore indexes work
• Why In-Memory OLTP is a real game changer
• How In-Memory OLTP can provide up to 30-fold performance improvement for your OLTP queries


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Session 1 – Overview and the Hybrid Cloud – 

Kalen will tell you about the goals of SQL Server 2014 as well as Discontinued and Deprecated Features, Licensing Changes and the Hybrid Cloud

Session 2 – Engine Enhancements, Part 1 – 

Kalen will tell you about some of the new metadata in SQL Server 2014 as well as some new permissions that will make assigning a broad group of rights within an instance or a database much easier. She’ll show you what’s new with partition level statistics, and how and why controlling the lock priority for certain online operations can be a very useful ability.

Session 03 – Engine Enhancements Part 2 –  

Additional SQL Server 2014 features that a DBA will be interested in are the ability to extend the buffer pool to use a solid-state device as an L2 cache. There are also enhancements to the Resource Governor and to the AlwaysOn technologies that Kalen will tell you about. Finally, some changes to what’s allowed with BACKUP and RESTORE can give a DBA more options to protect data.
Session 04 – Updatable columnstore –

Kalen will give an overview of the non-updateable columnstore indexes added to SQL Server in the 2012 version, and show you how the biggest limitation has been overcome without losing any of the incredible performance from the new index organization. She’ll also show you some new metadata that allows you to see how SQL Server is storing new data added to a columnstore index.

Session 05 – In memory OLTP –

In this session, Kalen will tell you what the benefits of In-Memory OLTP are and dispel some of the misconceptions about this new technology.


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kalen Kalen Delaney has been working with SQL Server for over 27 years. She has provided performance consulting services and taught advanced courses on SQL Server to thousands of professionals and organizations. Delaney began her career as a teacher and specialist for Sybase, then in 1992, became an independent trainer and consultant. As such, she worked with both the Microsoft and Sybase companies to develop courses and to do internal training for their technical support staff. She became a Microsoft SQL Server MVP in 1993.

She is the author of SQL Server Internals: In-memory OLTP, primary author of SQL Server 2012 Internals, Inside SQL Server 2005 as well as previous books on SQL Server Internals. Visit her website to find out more.

