Natural language processing (NLP) is one of the most interesting, yet challenging fields of artificial intelligence (AI). spaCy is the leading Python library for NLP, gaining popularity rapidly. Let’s take a closer look at spaCy, trying to figure out how it can be useful for accomplishing NLP tasks. What Is spaCy? spaCy is an open-source Python library for performing NLP...
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Database Development Life Cycle, Normalization, Errors and Security of Database – Part 2
TRIVIAL FUNCTIONAL DEPENDENCY A functional dependency is known as trivial when B is a subset of A. In a table or relation with the attributes or columns student name as well as student identification number (SIN), the name of the student is functionally dependent on the SIN, as this is the case for individual names. An SIN recognizes the student...
Should I Stay with a Terrible Boss with Great Pay and Great Benefits?
This question came from a busy professional. I am overpaid and have great benefits at my job, but have a terrible boss. Should I stay? Given the amount of information you’ve provided. Yes. You should stay at this job. Bosses come and go. Jobs that overpay and have great benefits don’t. Pinpointing the exact issue One recommendation is clearly articulate...
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2017 Snapshot Replication
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2017 Snapshot Replication If you have problems with SQL Server 2017 snapshot replication, review this troubleshooting checklist to find potential solutions. 1. Check that you have sysadmin permissions on the SQL Server. Only members of the sysadmin server role can configure replication, so if you have not these permissions you cannot setting up or configure snapshot replication....
What Should I Do if I Am Getting the Least Salary Among My Teammates?
This question came from a business professional. I recently joined a new company and I’m getting the least salary among my teammates while I have more related working experience. What should I do? This is why people are discouraged from discussing salary amongst your teammates. Not many people feel they are getting paid what they are actually worth. The people...
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2017 Bulk Copy Problems
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2017 Bulk Copy Problems If you have problems with SQL Server 2017 bulk copy, review this troubleshooting checklist to find potential solutions. 1. You may receive error 595 when you bulk insert with another outstanding result set. To work around this problem, you should run bulk insert statement with XACT_ABORT on. 2. The error 674 may occur...
What Computational Linguistic Is About
To this point, humanity has a huge amount of data that can be used to automate many repeatable tasks, thus allowing us, humans to switch to more interesting work. One approach to take advantage of large amounts of data – which has become very popular recently – is based on using machine learning algorithms. This is when a machine is...
Database Development Life Cycle, Normalization, Errors and Security of Database – Part 1
DATABASE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (DDLC) The Database Development Cycle (DDLC) is a process of planning, applying, as well as preserving a database system to meet the tactical or operative information necessities of an enterprise or organization like – • Enhanced customer support as well as customer fulfillment. • Enhanced production managing. • Enhanced inventory managing. • More precise sales predictions....
Should I Lie About the Reason I Got Fired?
This question came from a business professional. I got fired for poor performance. Should I lie about the reason of it in my next job interviews? Firstly – I would not recommend “lying” in a job interview. The truth will most likely be discovered. And then you will be “caught in a lie” and therefore, seen as untrustworthy and unreliable....
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2017 CLR Problems
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2017 CLR Problems If you have problems with SQL Server 2017 Common Language Runtime (CLR) objects, review this troubleshooting checklist to find potential solutions. 1. You may receive error 701 when you use a CLR table-valued function (TVF) together with the CROSS APPLY operator in a query. The error 701 indicates that there is insufficient system memory...