Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time – the The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. Today’s question came from a busy entrepreneur. Do I need...
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Setting Up an Environment for Machine Learning Tasks in Oracle Database
Setting Up an Environment for Machine Learning Tasks in Oracle Database By Yuli Vasiliev Machine Learning is a growing subfield of artificial intelligence, gaining immense popularity in recent years in both academia and the industry. Providing the ability to work with large volumes of data, machine learning algorithms are best suited for Big Data. This article discusses how you can...
Tips for using Very Large Databases in SQL Server 2016
Tips for using Very Large Databases in SQL Server 2016 Try to create as many database files, as there are physical disk arrays so that you have one file per disk array. This will improve performance, because when a table is accessed sequentially, a separate thread is created for each file on each disk array in order to read the...
Concurrency Regulatory Methods Part – 6
Concurrency Regulatory Methods Part – 6 Rolled Back Dependency Think through the subsequent condition: – Transaction – 2 reads the data of current account “CA001” which was updated by means of Transaction – 1 however was rolled back and by no means the transaction got committed. The result of Transaction – 2 writing in the current account “CA001” for that...
What is an Account Manager (and how to use them effectively)
What is an Account Manager (and how to use them effectively) Career Management Series By Laura Lee Rose Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency consultant that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective...
Overview of SQL Server Database Recovery Models and Backup Types
Overview of SQL Server database recovery models and backup types Whether caused by hardware failure, software errors or malicious actions, there is always a possibility of data loss. Your best protection against data loss is to avoid problems. You must check user access permissions on a regular basis to make sure you do not give users more access than they...
Some tips for designing SQL Server 2016 tables (Part 2)
Some tips for designing SQL Server 2016 tables (Part 2) Try to reduce the number of columns in a table. The fewer the number of columns in a table, the less space the table will use, since more rows will fit on a single data page, and less I/O overhead will be required to access the table’s data. Consider using...
Concurrency Regulatory Methods Part – 5
Concurrency Regulatory Methods Part – 5 Numerous Update Difficulties In this difficulty, the information is written by means of one (1) transaction which is an update operation, but on the other hand it is overwritten by means of a different update transaction. This can be exemplified by means of the banking example which has been taken in the earlier cases....
Small Business Saturday: How can I take full advantage?
Small Business Saturday: How can I take full advantage? Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time – the The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. Today’s...
12.2’s JSON_OBJECT to Construct JSON in the Database
12.2’s JSON_OBJECT to Construct JSON in the Database Now with new release of Oracle Database (12.2), you can construct JSON data in the database from non-JSON data, using new SQL/JSON functions, such as: JSON_OBJECT, JSON_ARRAY, JSON_ARRAYAGG, and JSON_OBJECTAGG. This article takes a look at JSON_OBJECT, which you can use to generate JSON objects from name–value pairs. The examples in this...